Monday 26 May 2014


May 24-25, 2014

24th- We got off to a rough start this morning with running late and then forgetting to unplug the computer and having to go back. Then once we were on our way we ran into some closed roads so had to detour a bit. But we eventually made it to Bamberg and found a really cheap parking garage not too far away from the city. Once in the city we went to the tourist information office to get a map of the city then made our way to the Altstadt Ratheus which is the town hall on a bridge- perched in between the two sides of the bridge, right in the middle. It was very cool and lots of bridges to walk along meant getting a great view. We got some ice cream and ate it standing on the bridge looking out at the canals. We saw went to the next bridge to see the beautiful blue building. Then we saw the boats and decided to go on a boat trip on Sunday. We walked to the Dom Platz and went inside the church with the smiling angel that we couldn’t find and the tomb of the Pope. Then we took a nice walk in the rose garden and looked at the beautiful view. The roses were not out yet but it was still lovely. We chatted for a bit enjoying the scenery then walked back to the car and drove to our apartment. It was really cute. Very lovely and not so expensive and not very far away either. After some football and a nap we got ready to go for dinner back in town. We stopped to get a bottle of wine at Netto on our way then into town. There was a cute little restaurant by one of the canals and it had very German food so we decided to eat there. We both got German food and lots of it! Heavens tried a Bamberg beer as there are many breweries in Bamberg and she said it was very nice. The food was lovely was well and very filling. Then we took a nice long walk through the canals and back to where the boats were just talking and watching the sun go down. You could also see the Castle from there which was pretty. We decided to go back to the apartment to relax and play cards but I didn’t feel well so we watched more football and went to bed.
25th- Today we got up and got ready then checked out of our apartment and headed back into town. We wanted to go on the boat cruise at 11 but there were so many people that we couldn’t make it on the boat so we went and got looked for some souvenirs but no shops were open so we got some ice cream and sat by the canal and ate our ice cream chatting. We got in line to get on the 12 o’clock boat and were second so that we could sit on top in the sun. It was beautiful and sunny and only later did we realize a bad idea with super bad sun burns. We went down the canals and into the locks which was cool. Some of the houses along the water are beautiful! It was an hour and a half long ride and even though we didn’t understand the German commentary we enjoyed our beer and boat ride. It was lovely. We also went under the bridges which didn’t look like we were going to make it because it was so low! And we saw some really big ships that were randomly by old abandoned construction sites; not very nice for them. It was a nice trip though. Afterwards we got some souvenirs and then tried to eat at a Mexican restaurant but it was closed so we had Italian instead. It was very nice and not so expensive then we got the car and headed home to skype Mama.
It was a great weekend away in a beautiful city.

Until next time,


Thursday 22 May 2014

Meghan and Football

May 16-18, 2014

16th- Today after work I met Heavens and we went to Meghan’s house. Thomas, Manuela, and the boys were there. Later, Thomas 2 joined us and the next door neighbours as well as a few friends of Thomas and Manuela’s. We played with the boys, jumping on the trampoline and such. Then had some dinner-German bbq! Then played Cards Against humanity, which again proved to be a great and hilarious game. Of course we had some drinks along the way. The boys brought out some sparklers and huge candles to play with and the adults played the funny game. Overall the whole game was funny but the best part was when Manuela asked ‘what das ass-less chaps?’ OMG so funny!! It started to get late and cold so we decided to go to bed. It was a great night.
17th- Happy 9 month married Anniversary! Today we were going to go home and hang out but Heavens remembered that a football (soccer) game was on later that night and Meghan wanted to watch it. So we decided to take Meghan home with us, we would get ready, get some lunch and hot chocolate at the café in Meerane then go to the store and get some things for dinner and go back to Meghan’s house. At the store we found some really cool German football things to dress up with and support Germany. Even though both teams playing were from Germany we thought it would be cool so we dressed up, got some things for the boys and headed back. Once back we played with the boys, dressed them all up and got ready to watch the game. We chose teams to root for. Heavens, Thomas, and Manuela for Bayern-Munich and Meghan, Me and we convinced Dominic to root for Dortmund. The game was ok, a bit slow, and our team was gipped because of a goal which didn’t count as a goal! And in the end Bayern won by two points in overtime. Then we played a new card game with Meghan and Thomas 2- or now nicknamed One Look for his strategy during the game which didn’t actually work. Then we went to bed.
18th- Today we were meant to go to a Holi Festival with Manu but when we woke up it was pouring rain. So we decided to have breakfast then go home to skype Mama and get things ready and done.
Overall it was a great weekend hanging out with Meghan with many laughs and much fun!

Until next time,


Monday 12 May 2014

Fruhlingsfest/Augustusburg Castle

May 9-10, 2014

9th- Today after work we met up with Manu and Phillip and his friend Thomas to go to Zwickau for the Fruhlinsfest- Spring Festival. It was like a mini carnival with games and rides and food. We walked around a bit and then they all played a shooting game. Heavens is a pro at shooting targets. She only missed two! She even won three prizes from all of the points put together. Then Manu and Heavens went on a ride which took forever to start but once it did it was pretty cool and they had fun! Then we walked into town and went to an Irish pub for dinner and drinks. It was a good night.
10th-Today we met up with Manu and Phillip and we went to Augustusburg Castle about an hour away from us. There we played on the playground while we waited for Maria. We went on the slide and see saw and it was fun. Then Maria came and we went up to the castle. We first started with the 3-D painting exhibition. This is the main reason we came. All the paintings look 3-D and you can take a funny picture doing a pose with them. It was hilarious! We had so much fun doing funny poses and taking lots of pictures! Then we went to have cake and coffee and to relax a bit; while I freaked out with the automatic door lol. After that we went into the Dungeon to find out all about the torture techniques used in previous times. Some were very, very harsh! Then we saw some of the birds they keep at the castle and then up the tower to see the view and very expensive but not so impressive paintings! Maria had to get going so we took some pictures with the view and walked back down. We decided to go down the slide once more although it was a bad idea for Heavens as she went a little too fast and landed on her bottom! Ouch! Then we said goodbye to Maria and Manu and Phillip took us to the other side of the Castle where there was a luge! This one was really cool as it was super fast! And it went around a mini golf place which looked cool. We had a good time. Then we did a little shopping before going home. Overall it was an awesome day out with many laughs and one of my favorite times in Germany.

Until next time,


Hakuna Matata

May 7, 2014

Today we went to Leipzig zoo after work to attend our African Themed evening called Hakuna Matata. It began with a private tour of the zoo- in Germany; however we got to see animals we missed the first time we went to the zoo. We saw the flamingos again, went into Gowandaland and saw a view from high up over the trees, saw the sea lions, the baboons, the hyena, ostriches, and Lion. Then, my favorite part was the giraffe house which had all seven of the giraffes inside!! There was a huge one named Max and a baby giraffe. But my favorite was one of the giraffes who put their head through the ropes to stare at me. Right at me! We had a little ‘moment’ just staring at each other. It was wonderful. I absolutely loved it. After we finished the tour…yes I had to leave the giraffes although I really didn’t want to. We went to the restaurant which was beautiful and got our free drink and sat at our reserved table. We ordered some drinks and then got to eat a lovely buffet of African inspired food which was amazing. We had many helpings it was so lovely. A live African themed band played in the background. Then the drummers came out. Two men were playing the drums and two women dancing- all from Africa. Heavens had already gotten her picture with one of the men and then she got to play his drum. I was chosen to dance with one of the women and it was great. Then the band played again and we chatted and relaxed and then the drummers came back; this time with a huge conga line that we all participated in. And they even sang a rendition from White Chicks which had us in hysterics! After that came one of the best parts of the night though with two men dressed as explorers came into the restaurant with torches. We followed them outside and they performed a fire show with juggling fire, eating fire, throwing fire, fire chains, etc. Heavens participated by attempting to throw a lei over the guy’s head. It was amazing, especially in the dark. They even juggled fire around a man from the audience! How cool!! Loved it! Once that was finished it was getting late and we still had an hour’s drive so we decided to head home and goes to bed. I had to say I think this was one of my favorite experiences in Germany. 

Until next time,
