Tuesday 28 May 2013

RCH Party

May 11, 2013

Today Heavens and I organised an RCH party for our house. It was a celebration of Bessie’s Birthday, Divya’s soon to be birthday, and Matthew’s half birthday (since we won’t be here for his), as well as a goodbye party for Katie and a pre-wedding party for me and Heavens. We began the night with dessert. We gave them their presents- a cake for all, a beer cake for Matthew, and We Survived RCH 2013 t-shirts each. We all signed the back of the shirts, ate some cake and headed out. We began our journey by heading to the Mount Radford Pub for some drinks and food. We created our own huge table, ordered food and prepared for the night. Once we were done eating we headed to our next pub- where we decided to quickly have a shot- a very nice shot- and move on again. This time we went to a pub with a night club and ordered pitchers. Unfortunately at this point we lost some of our group due to not remembering their passports, but we still had about 6-7 of us so we carried on. We danced and shared 4 pitchers. Next we headed to the Ship Inn, our local favourite to play the game Would You Rather…some of it the normal version, some of it our own and had a drink. Afterwards we headed to a new pub- the John Gandy, actually quite nice, although we lost more of our group and wound up with only 4. We did meet up with a few other people though and had another shot- this time not so nice- and a drink. Matthew at this point stole Katie’s phone which turned into quite an event to try to get it back lol. Finally we made our way to the Old Firehouse, a place where we’ve spent many a nights before and a great way to end the night. We got a drink and managed to squeeze ourselves into a table. It started off fine, until Matthew decided to talk to the girls sitting next to us, which Katie did not like at all. Katie began texting Divya, although only she could make sense of what she was typing. After a while we decided to head home and confirm that Divya did make it back okay, chatted for a bit in her room then off to bed. Overall it was a wonderful night, especially for the Fantastic Five and we are going to miss Matthew and Katie loads! 

Until next time,


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