Monday 27 May 2013

Anniversary Zoo Date

May 5, 2013

Today was mine and Heavens 1 year and 9 month anniversary. This is a very special anniversary for me because it is officially my longest relationship ever. And will be forever more! Heavens decided to plan a special day for me and it included a place that is her very first memory. Not necessarily a good memory but we were going to change that. We got on the train and headed to Paignton. She took me to the Paignton Zoo. Unfortunately, Heavens memory includes her at 3 years old, next to the Oryx pen, pulling on the chain fence, making the oryx so angry it decided to charge at Heavens. Being as innocent as she was she did not stop pulling on the fence and the oryx put its’ horns through the fence and up Heavens nose, lifting her off the ground as her Dad ran to get her, splitting her nose open and blood everywhere. She was then rushed to the medical booth and had to go to the hospital to get stitches and is now reminded of this event everyday with a scar. Today we would change that memory to a happy memory! Luckily there were no longer oryx’s at the zoo to bring back those memories!
We began walking around the zoo looking at all the animals. It was a cool little zoo with some interesting places to walk through and see some animals. Then about lunch time we made our way to the giraffes. My favourite!! We sat down across from where they were to eat and low and behold they all came outside! How nice of them to enjoy their lunch with me. Once finished we headed up to the Elephants to watch the elephant being fed and then back to the inside enclosure for the giraffes, well get this…they all came inside! It was lovely! I spent a good 20 minutes there just staring at these lovely animals. Then we continued our walk around the park seeing all the different animals and even the new baby orang-utan! Once finished with all of the animals we took the little train ride (one Heavens uncle used to drive) around the park and finally onto the gift shop. Heavens said I could pick anything I wanted, but I didn’t want to go for something I usually go for so I found a cute little giraffe wind chime and we headed home to relax and hang out. It was a lovely day at the zoo and a wonderful way to spend our anniversary!

Until next time,


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