Wednesday 13 July 2011

Being Sick is NO FUN! Or is it?

 July 2-4, 2011

Well this past week has been up and down. On Sunday Heavens, Lu and Me came back home to skype mom. We ended up skyping her for almost 4 hours! It was absolutely hilarious. I have no idea how Lu and I will be able to handle my mom and Heavens together in person, they were hilarious just on skype! We even got Heavens to do the quarter trick. Don’t ask me how she did it! Haha, hilarious. All I have to say is thumbs up to them! I didn’t even really get to skype my mom as Heavens was talking so much! But it was fun! After I went back to their house.
On Tuesday I had my first observation for a job next year. However, I woke up sick! I was losing my voice! Luckily I managed the observation fine and they seemed really happy about it. But I was slowly getting more and more sick. I decided Wednesday morning that I shouldn’t go into work because I had almost lost my voice completely and my ear began to hurt. That was when Heavens and Lu realized a baby snake had escaped! Romford escaped! We had to look for him. I suggested he went into the drawer with the clothes and luckily he had and they found him. They put him back and put a bottle on top of his lid so he couldn’t get out again. Later I skyped with my brother which was really nice and in the middle of the conversation Heavens called me upstairs because Romford had escaped AGAIN! He hadn’t gone far but he kept trying to bite us. So we had to get a tub and scoop him into it and lock the lid and put a brick on it. No more escaping from him! That night I felt the worst I have felt with being sick. My ear hurt soooo bad and I couldn’t stop coughing. We watched a movie then went to go to bed when I got called upstairs again because Edward had escaped this time! We weren’t so lucky this time because after about 2 hours of searching we still couldn’t find him! Still a mystery as to where he is.
Thursday I didn’t go to work because it was strike day for teachers and because I still felt sick. I called to change my observation from Friday to Tuesday and then I slept most of the day. When Rachel got home we went into Romford for dinner-KFC and to see the movie Transformers. It was good!
Friday- When Rachel got home from work we went into London for a canal boat cruise for timeplan. It was really nice. We got this really long boat and road up and down the canal going only 5 miles per hour. It was relaxing and fun, except for being sick and coughing the whole time. But we did get a free drink and a free canal boat cruise. Afterwards I just went home instead of staying out because I didn’t feel well.
Sunday- Today we had our 4th of July party and let me tell you it was one hell of a party. It started off good, cooking and eating and having a good time. We played flip cup, sang on singstar, let off lanterns, and drank! By the time everyone left we were exhausted. But of course, because it was MY 4th of July party…something drastic had to happen. And it did! I was spending the night at Heaven’s house as this was where the party was and little did I know (or either of them) that tonight would be the night they broke up. So at 2 in the morning Heavens and I had to quickly pack her things and come back to mine. So now I have a new roommate!!!!!! YAY!!!!
This whole week has been crazy, trying to sort everything out after a break up. You know what it is like, especially when not all parties are cooperating. I also was sick all week which didn’t help for my observation on Tuesday when I was sent home. All week we just sorted things out. I found out I didn’t get either job so I was bummed about that. But luckily over the weekend Heavens and I went to Chelmsford to her sister’s house for the weekend. It was nice to get away from everything and just relax. We drank and had a bbq and made the most of a weekend away.
Once back we sorted more things out, found Heavens a place to live J and the best news of all. Are you ready for it? It is better than anything I have said so far (maybe expect the part where Heavens is living with me now)………here we go……..ready? BIG BROTHER STARTED!!!!!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! I was soooooooo excited….can you tell? So we have been watching that and counting down the days until my mommy comes to visit! Can’t wait!
Until next time,

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