Thursday 30 June 2011

Brighten Up Your Life

June 13-24, 2011

It has been a while since I last wrote. A lot has happened. Here are the major things I felt were worth mentioning.
June 13th- Today after work I met up with Chris, Phil and Brandy to travel into London for her birthday dinner at a Tapas Bar. We met up with Dave, Anna, Mad Dog, Jo, and John Tyler there. We drank Sangria and they brought us out the 13 best tapas they had. It was so lush! They were sooo good and even though you have tiny plates…you eat a lot! After dinner I had the best strawberry cheesecake of my life. Even the strawberry on the side was amazing; so worth the trip and money to go. It was also nice to hang out with everyone that I haven’t seen in a while.
June 14th- Today at work I found out good news! My head teacher told me that next week I would be observed and if the observation went well then I’d be interviewed for a Year 1 position at my school next year. I got really excited but really nervous because it would be so cool to stay at my school! After work Mad Dog and I went to John and Bec’s house for a roast dinner. It was so good! It was also nice to catch up with everyone; although I was sad that I didn’t get to see the baby. 
June 17th- Today after work I took the train to see Meredith in Brighton. She had just moved in with her boyfriend so she had an apartment with a balcony looking out over the beach. It was so beautiful. I could so move there! We decided a night in would be best as the weather wasn’t the greatest. So we got two bottles of wine and were going to make a dinner in the oven. However, after about 3 hours we could not for the life of us turn the oven on. Nothing we did worked. So instead we ended up cooking something on the stove top, which was really good. We chatted and caught up on life for the night. It was good.
June 18th- This morning Meredith and I got up and decided to walk into Brighton, walking on the boardwalk by the beach the whole way. It was quite windy but the sun kept coming out and we got some lovely picture by the water. We did some jumping pictures and I touched the water. I also found some stones to bring back with me. It was really nice. We walked all the way to the pier and then walked into town and came across a festival. We walked down the festival looking at all the stands. Then we went to the food market and got some food. I got some tea and spinach and artichoke soup with bread. It was good. After, we met up with Meredith’s friend and walked back through the festival. This was when we saw some weird things. We saw a huge Beethoven dog which was really cool and we also saw some weird guy dressed in a full body suit (meaning it went over his head and everything) but the weirdest/coolest thing we saw was a group of people who all froze at the exact same time for a few minutes and then when a whistle blew they moved again. I have heard about these things and seen some on youtube but I have never seen it in real life and it was really cool. It had something to do with money as each person was holding some sort of money or something to do with money but I’m not sure what relation that had. However, it was really cool. After seeing all those cool things we went to sit in the park a bit then we walked back home stopping to get some groceries for food on the way. Once back we made pumpkin curry for dinner and somehow managed to get the oven working lol. Then I went to bed early because I wasn’t feeling the greatest.
June 19th- Today I left Brighton to go home, but because it was the weekend all the lines were shut down and it took forever to get home. I ended up going straight to Heavens house for a roast dinner. SOOOO good! Then I went home to skype mom. That was definitely an interesting conversation. It was good getting to talk to Matt as well and I found out we have a new puppy!! Her name is Bella and she is soooo cute.
June 20th- Today was the day! I was very very nervous going into work today but I thought I had everything pretty much covered and I was confident….until they walked into my classroom. My head teacher didn’t even come in like she was supposed to. It was someone from the Borough and the acting head for next year. I had never met either of them. As soon as they walked into my classroom they looked upset. It was like I was being judged before I even started teaching. They saw 15 minutes of my lesson…not even the whole lesson…then left. They came back about 15 minutes later and took me out of class to talk about my lesson. Immediately they told me that I did not have the job and then preceded to have a 15 minutes conversation about how terrible my lesson was and that I’m not experienced enough and don’t know the curriculum well enough to stay at the school. The only good things they had to say was that I had a good rapport with my children and I seemed like a nice person but that I should go elsewhere for a job. After all of this (and me crying in the meeting with them) I had to walk back to class and go in and continue teaching! My poor kids didn’t know what was going on, bless them. Then I decided I wasn’t going to the staff meeting so instead I went to Heavens house and Lu took care of me. She got me some ice cream and gave me lots of hugs and we talked. When Heavens got home we watched movies all night until I felt better about everything.
June 22nd- Today at work we had a silent disco for the whole afternoon. It was AWESOME! Each person got their own set of headphones which had two channels on it. We went back to our classes and Heavens class joined my class and we spent the whole afternoon dancing and singing. It was really fun and I really wish we could do that every day! After work I went to the gym with Rachel. It is the new gym and I don’t really like it that much. Then I skyped with mom for a little bit and Heavens and Lu came over. We met up with Rachel and Kevin and we went to Mad Dogs house to watch a movie with him and Jo. We watched Just Go With It which was a really good movie. It was really funny. After I went to Heavens house to spend the night.
June 24th- Today after work I found out that two schools are interested in me and want to observe me next week. One school is a new school opening in Barking which is about an hour away and the other is a school right across the street from me. The first school wants to come observe a lesson I am teaching on Tuesday and the other school wants me to go there on Friday to teach for the day. After work we headed to Heavens house to get ready for our date night out in London. I wore my cherries dress and we headed into London to go to a wine tasting/dinner. We got there and walked to find the restaurant. We ordered a drink and when I asked where to go for the wine tasting/dinner we were told that it was a big scam. That the guy who normally did it had bailed on the restaurant months ago and this was no longer happening. Kevin and Rachel showed up and we were bummed that it was a scam but we decided to go to Romford for dinner instead. We went to Ciao Bella for dinner instead. We got a bottle of house wine and some dough balls for an appetizer. Then I got pasta with a mushroom sauce. It was really good. It was a nice date even though it didn’t go as planned.

Some quotes from this week:
*Will you take it off with your teeth?
*You can’t pull it off like me Ray, I have got the sex bomb appeal, I think it’s the hair.
*We’re kind of alone in the Lamb….That is creepy!
*Americans- quick and easy, Brits- slow and hard, Scots- quick and easy, emphasise on the quick
*Do you like your meat raw?
*Did you like whack it loads the other day?
*We need to so some funky shit tonight.
*I’m going to pretend the cotton buds aren’t talking to me.
*Is it annoying when I go like this…. (pats cheeks)
*I thought when we were getting adopted by a bald guy it was going to be more like Annie.
*It was like baseball but with a bigger ball.     So softball?    Well it was quite a hard ball.
*When is the 4th of July?    The 3rd.
*I piss myself off sometimes. I’m good at that. It’s when I hear my own voice.
The last thing I have to mention is that 3 baby snakes were born this past week. One was born the day we went to Romford. Heavens said before we left that it would be cool to come home to a baby snake and we did! So his name is Romford. The other two were born a few days later. I saw one hatch and we had to cut him out and his name is Bubbles because he had a lot of bubbles when coming out and the last one we cut out and his name is Edward Scissors because he had to be cut out. They are really cut too!
Until next time,

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