Monday 28 March 2011

Miss Soda is here to stay!

March 14, 2011

This past week was a week from hell. We were told not this Friday but the Friday before that Offstead would be visiting our school. For those of you who don’t know, which most of you won’t, Offstead observes schools and decides how well they are doing. It is sort of like the government checking up on schools. Now in my last blog I explained how I found out Offstead was coming. Well let me just say I thought they were being ridiculous until I went to school and Offstead was there. Then I began freaking out. You didn’t know when or how many would just pop into your class to watch you. You had to be following your lesson plan to a T. It was all very nerve racking. The first day was going along fine. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere she appeared….dum…dum….dum. Haha, she came in during spellings; which was actually the perfect time as all I had the kids doing were copying the spelling words and I was walking around helping them. She only stayed until lunch which was about 10 minutes and she was super impressed with how well my kids lined up quietly (this would be the first time it’s ever happened, but hey, I wasn’t complaining). Luckily this was the only observation I got the entire two days. Plus I heard from my head teacher that I was given good feedback. I was excited and so relieved that the last two days of the week I let my kids do whatever they wanted. That Friday I decided to ask one more time how it was coming along with me staying until the end of the Summer term. To my surprise she finally had an answer and to my relief it was YES!!!! I am officially the Year 1 Green teacher at Thomas Arnold Primary School until July 22nd! Thank you very much! I have my classroom and unfortunately I know have to do parent night….wish me luck!

Until next time,

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