Monday 21 March 2011

Catch Up

March 12, 2011

Let me first start this blog by explaining why I haven’t written in so long. The computer story.  A couple weeks ago I decided to get really drunk at pub club on Friday night. Richard and Rachel had to walk me home (like literally at times I was closing my eyes and walking because they were guiding me). We stopped at Richard’s house because I needed to pee and I had the hiccups and needed water. Then Rachel and I walked home. I had uploaded a show (Brothers and Sisters) on my computer that was in her room so I went upstairs to get my computer. I picked it up walked to her door, tripped, threw my computer into the wall, which then bounced into the wardrobe (dresser), then fell on the floor. And all I could do was laugh lol. I picked it up went downstairs to watch my show and realized there was this annoying buzzing sound coming from it that wasn’t before. I hoped it would go away after I shut it down. I watched my show (can’t remember what happened at all) and shut down my computer and apparently passed out. Luckily I had already changed into my pj’s. However, I still had all the lights on, I was on top of the blankets, and I hadn’t brushed my teeth. I didn’t wake up until about 5 am lol. Then I got ready for bed and went back to bed. The next day I turned on my computer and of course the buzzing was still going on. THANK GOD I bought the insurance that covers accidental drops!
Therefore, that leads into the fact that I decided to give up alcohol for Lent because of this night haha. It hasn’t been that hard actually. The only times I want alcohol are at  our pub club nights on Fridays and last weekend we went to a Bachelorette party and I wanted to drink but it hasn’t been bad.
The Bachelorette party was for a girl we all live with. Rachel and I decided to go and we will go to the “wedding reception” I put this in quotes because the reception is going for drinks at some place.  I guess the wedding isn’t very big or the reception but anyways we will be able to drink by then so we will go. At the party we went to this bowling alley that is also a restaurant, bar, club, and they have karaoke. It was cool because we got our own sound-proof room. So we could sing as loud as we wanted with terrible voices and the only people that heard us were our friends. It does have a big window so people can see in and when people would stop and stare I’d pretend to be taking their picture to get them to go away lol. I just drank lemonade and water so it was a pretty cheap night out. On the way home Steph, Rachel and I took Nicole home who was drunk. Boy was this funny. She had to pee as soon as we got on the train home and was making funny faces the whole way. So funny.
Now I have to tell you about my nightmare of a day. It was this past Friday. I ended up staying up really late Thursday because I was under the assumption that I would have an easy day at school on Friday....big mis-understanding! As it turns out I had a horrible day. There was a theatre group coming to perform for my kids so already their schedule was all screwed up. The morning went fine until right before they have break (10:15) A teacher rushes in my classroom to say that the teachers have an emergency meeting at 10:15. The problem is I wasn’t sending my kids out for break because we had to be ready for the theatre at 10:30 (the time they are supposed to come inside but usually don’t get in until 10 mins later). They said my TA could stay with them. However, then we realize she is supposed to be on duty outside and can’t if she is watching my kids. Luckily it was okay because there weren’t that many classes going outside. I went to the meeting. I walk in and you know when you just get that really bad feeling. Like something really bad happened. That was how it felt walking into the room. Everyone looked panicked. My head teacher (the principal) had her cell phone and school phone with her like she was expecting a call. I was freaking out because I thought someone had died or the police were on their way or something. She opens her mouth to speak and says that we are getting observed by Offstead (basically the government) next week. I almost laughed. I wanted to be like seriously??? This is what the EMERGENCY was????!!! But I look around the room and the teachers are like ghost white! They are so freaked out!!! I was like dude, you guys need to chill!!! So I had to sit through this 20 minute meeting about stuff I didn’t care about (first of all I don’t know if I will even be observed and 2nd I don’t know if I’m staying at this school past April). I go back to the theatre group and my TA’s have to go to the meeting now. Well I have a TA specifically for my child that has Autism. I had to sit with this child while she went to the meeting. This didn’t go so well. He could not handle being at this performance. He was laying all over the other kids, making noise and wouldn’t stay still. So eventually I had to take him out. Luckily the meeting was just ending so I gave him back to his TA. The rest of the day wasn’t too bad, although I couldn’t sit in my classroom and do work during lunch (I usually do that every day so I don’t have to stay long after work) because it was raining so my kids stayed inside. Then my kids were cheating during their spelling test!!!! This is the second week in a row I’ve caught them cheating. So I have to have a long talk about cheating and I have to change the way I give the tests now! Then right after school (when I was going to get my work done again) we got called to ANOTHER meeting! So another 20 minutes later about shit I don’t care about because I could care less if they observe me. I finally got to go do my work. Which took me over an hour. Then I had been trying to contact my employer to see if my head teacher had decided if I was staying past the April break or not. She called me back and said CONGRATULATIONS you got the job. They love you and you are there until the end of July. I was excited and I thought that this turned my bad day into a good one. I text Rachel the good news! About 5 minutes later I get a phone call. It is my employer. She said, “I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry. I got you mixed up with someone else. I haven’t been able to get a hold of your head teacher yet. So I don’t know if you are staying or not. I put in a phone call to her and she is supposed to call me back right away so I will get back to you.” I was like WTF!! Seriously????? And now I know my head teacher won’t return her call because she never does and now with these observations happening she won’t return any calls next week. Therefore I have no idea if I have a job at this school as of May. Which is annoying because then I have to go back to being a substitute and calling in each morning trying to find a new school to go to.
So I don’t leave the school until 4:30. (I normally leave at 3:30. Then it takes me forever to get home (normally it only takes about 10 minutes but because I left so late, traffic was so bad so it took me until 5:15 to get back. Then I had to stop at the store to get food. So finally at 5:40 I got home. Rachel and I cooked dinner and went to the pub. Where of course I wanted to drink and couldn’t. But it was still fun to chat with the crew. I did have to sit on the outside so I could go pee every 20 mins, since I have a bladder infection.- Oh there is a story for you. Last Sunday I thought I might be starting to get a bladder infection. Then Monday I felt like crap and after work I called the doctors who said they couldn’t get me in that night and possibly they could tomorrow if I call after 1 o clock they might be able to. Well at that point I had kidney pain!! I’ve never gotten kidney pain with a bladder infection before but I knew it wasn’t good. So I went to the walk in centre with Rachel. We had to wait about 3 hours but I was finally seen. I walk in and said I have a bladder infection. He said ok and wrote me a prescription.  By this time it is after 7 oclock. Most stores are closed. Luckily on store down the road is open. So we go there I buy cranberry juice and get my prescription. Then we went home and ate dinner. Well a few days later I start getting sores in my mouth and I realize it is because I am allergic to my medicine (as this has happened before) but I continued to take my medicine because I figured the mouth sores were better than kidney pain. Thank god today was my last day taking the medicine because the sores got so bad (mainly on Friday) I could barely talk/eat.
As for more happy news: The weather here hasn’t been bad. Of course there is no snow so it is wonderful compared to being home. The past two days it was nice and sunny and in the 50’s so we took a walk around the park. It is a little colder today and grey and gloomy. However, I can’t complain because I do not need to wear snow pants to go outside haha. Especially since I walk most places over here it would suck if they had the weather we do at home. We were talking to our friends and explaining that at home we are barely in the actual snow because we run outside to turn our car on, run to the car, run from the car to where we work and do it again to go home. We don’t walk outside in the freezing weather with snow up to our ears! Haha. Where as here you either take the bus (where you are waiting outside forever for it to come) or you walk. So you are always outside. Of course people have cars here too but we only get rides if one of our friends can pick us up. Otherwise we walk.
Well that’s all my bad news. As for good news!!! Hopefully next weekend Rachel and I are going to Oxford (in England) for the day. Then the weekend after is a birthday party for 3 of our friends here (Richard being one of them). And then the weekend after we start our April break where Rachel and I are going to Spain (not near mexico lol) then coming back and I might go visit Emma for a few days (still not sure if I have a place to stay or not) and going to the wedding reception, then going to Ireland, then coming back and working a few days and then going to the Royal Wedding! Well going to stand outside with the hundreds of other people who are attempting to catch a glimpse of the couple. Prolly won’t but it’s worth a try.
The Olympics are being held in England next year so Rachel and I put in our bid to go see them. We have to wait until the end of May to be told if we got any tickets. It’s dumb that you can’t just buy them you have to bid for what you want and you might get it. So we bid for a few and if we get too many we will sell them on e-bay because we can’t afford all the ones we bid for.
Then, in May,  I am going to a concert to see Olly Murs (he is an artist over here who was on Britain’s version of American Idol and no he is really popular) Look him up on youtube. I love his music and I have been listening to it since I first heard one of his songs at the gym. He is very cute too.  So I am excited about that. I don’t have many plans for my May break which kind of sucks but I’m sure I will think of something.
Rachel and I are trying to visit as many countries as we can before we leave so we are squeezing them in any way we can!
As for today I am finally getting my internet!!! Although not after a huge big to do about not being able to figure out how to put in the phone line. The person has been here since 9:45 and is still here now- 12:00 just barely finishing up putting in one little phone line. If this doesn’t work I’m giving up!
Well hope that caught you up on the life of Danielle Therese....more to come later on!

Until Next Time,

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