Thursday 16 December 2010

‘Tis the Season

December 11, 2010

This past weekend, on Friday Rachel and I went into Romford after work to do a little shopping. Then we met Jen at the pub for dinner and a drink, before heading off to see the new Narnia movie!! It was really good! Then we went home and hung out with Sarah and Kristina in their room drinking, chatting, and playing cards.
Saturday morning we got up and made our way into Central London to Hyde Park. Of course it took us forever because there are always lines closed down. We finally got there and made our way to the ice skating rink in the middle of the park. The skates are all blue! We didn’t fall down either! We skated about an hour then decided to walk around to wait for Sarah and Kristina. We made our way to the pond and saw all the ducks/swans being fed. Swans fed by HAND! They are mean too and greedy. So we took some pictures/videos of the birds. Then Kristina and Sarah met us and we walked around Hyde Park looking at all the shops and then ate a lovely waffle with chocolate sauce…yum, yum. After we walked around we headed to Piccadilly Circus to walk around. We passed a war memorial, then two outdoor markets (one we stopped at and shopped) and finally arrived at Piccadilly Circus where it was all lit up. We then walked to Chipotle to eat dinner then went to Covent Garden to walk around that market. Then we headed home and stopped at McDonalds for ice cream. I got a text to meet at the pub so I headed over there and hung out with the gang for the night.
Sunday morning Rachel and I went with Brandy to church. It was very interesting, kind of long and weird at times, but alright. Then we went to a café for lunch/breakfast and had an English breakfast! Afterward we headed home and watched a movie with Jen. She got a call from her friend inviting her to the pub later. We quickly grabbed dinner and headed to Ilford for some drinks at the pub. Her friends were Irish so they were so funny to listen to J On our way home we trusted Rachel to get us on the right bus. So we just got on a bus. We were on there forever and finally realize it is not going home. We get to the last stop in the middle of NOWHERE!!!! The driver tells us we have to get off and we were like oh my god what are we going to do!!??? So Jen went to talk to the driver and somehow convinced him to take us to another bus stop so we could get home. He had to turn out the lights and we had to scrunch down so no body could see us. He took us to the other bus stop and hurried us off the bus to catch the last bus going to home. We got on and finally after about 2 hours we made it home. Always an adventure when you travel with us!
These past two days I have been sick, but finally got medicine so I am starting to get better, which is good because I have an eventful weekend planned starting Thursday! Can’t wait.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. In the future I will use my "convincing skills" to convince Rachel that she should not be in charge of the directions ;) glad we made it home safe and now we have a great story to tell people!
