Wednesday 18 June 2014

A little taste of America!

June 13-15, 2014

13th- Today was Friday the 13th, and after work Meghan came over as Heavens had to stay at work for an event. We hung out and waited for Anna to come over and we watched the  world cup football game together and ate dinner. Then we decided to go to the pub to watch the other games as we didn’t know what time Heavens would be home. She pulled up just as we were leaving but she didn’t want to go to the pub so we stayed home and Meghan and Anna went. They had a great time and met a Spanish guy living in Meerane. Then they came home and we watched part of the last game before bed.
14th- Today we slept in and relaxed for a while, watching tv and chatting. Then we decided to go to the town Amerika which is in Saxony and about 30 minutes away. We got there and realized, it maybe used to be a town because it had a railroad station and used to have a big textile factory but nowadays it is just a bar and a sign with an American flag. However, the sign was really cool and we did have a drink at the bar with some really strange but friendly people. We also bought some cool postcards that said Amerika on them. Then we went home and attempted to make dinner with some cheese but it turned out horrible so we went to the brewery party and got a drink and then went back to Meghan’s friends house and ordered pizza and watched the football game. Then we came home to watch the England game although it wasn’t working until half time. Then bed.
15th-Today we got up early to drive to Fort Graf, the military base where Meghan’s brother Seamus is and her other brother Colin was there for training. We met up with Seamus (after the very long drive as Meghan didn’t use the GPS and went way out of the way lol) and then met up with her other brother Colin. We looked around the base a bit and saw lots of Mustangs which I was happy with! We also did some shopping and got reeses peanut butter cups, twizzlers, some clothes, root beer, and peanut butter captain crunch! YUM!! Then we had lunch- Taco Bell. And everyone spoke English which was so nice. We attempted to go to the movies as it would be in English but the timings were wrong, so we went into the town of Weimar which is not very far away and we walked around. It was really pretty there with a nice town center and a pretty park that we walked through seeing a live band and an aviary with really pretty birds. Then we decided to go to dinner so went to a Mexican restaurant and had a lovely meal. Then back to the base to say goodbye and head home. It was so nice being at the base and kind of felt a little like America. On the way home these boys drove up next to use waving and flirting a bit so we wrote down Meghan’s number for them to see and they did the same and we text them a bit for Meghan, it was funny. We went back to Meghan’s house so she could pack and we skyped mom and watched the football game. Then we headed home and went to bed!
Overall it was a great weekend and we really enjoyed spending time with Meghan as she is leaving for two weeks!

Until next time,


Wednesday 11 June 2014

O What a Weekend

June 4, 6-9, 2014

4th- Today during my walk at work I saw a big stage set up in town for a band performing later that night. Turns out it is a free concert. So we invited Meghan to come around and we went to get some beer from the store then picked a spot on the steps to sit down and watch the band. We had to wait for a while for it to start so we got a bratwurst to eat and chatted. It got more crowded as it got closer and one man even took Meghan’s seat making her sit between his legs. She was very uncomfortable to decided to move a bit and a woman took her seat! How rude!! We watched the concert from the steps for a while then moved down inside into the ice cream store as there were proper seats with nobody stealing them. Although this still proved to be a problem for Meghan as now she had an old man hitting on her wanting to dance with her. But it was a nice spot as we met a fellow Brit traveling in Germany. And we had some more to drink as well as another bratwurst. Overall it was a cool night listening to the Big Band which was more like an orchestra with some singing, but they had cool sailor outfits!
6th- Today Meghan and Heavens met me after work and we went for a nice long walk in the park. Then we went to the store to get some food and had another Mexican night this time with tacos. We watched Catfish and caught up on it then went to bed.
7th- Today we tidied and skyped Mama before heading to Tina’s Poltereke (pre-wedding party). It is custom in Germany to have this either a day or a week before the wedding to wish the couple good luck. You bring plates and cups to smash and bottle caps to throw and it is all good luck for the couple. Although I don’t know how much good luck it is when they have to clean all of it up. We ate some food and drank some drink and then watched the couple play a game where it was like operation. They had a big stick with a ring on it and the ring had to go around this maze in the shape of two people. Every time the ring touched the metal it buzzed and the person had to take a drink. However, this was even better as one person was blindfolded! We stayed for a little bit then headed to Meghan’s house. Once there we got ready, I wore Meghan’s bridesmaid dress which was beautiful. We met up with Anna (who works with Meghan and was driving us) and we went to a beach pool party which was at the local swimming pool. It was more like a dance party. We got free entry and ordered a drink (a swimming pool cocktail- we thought it appropriate and it was really good) and we met up with ‘One Look’ who told us about a jumping contest later that night where people jumped and tried to make the biggest splash. We decided to convince Meghan to jump. It worked! So we went dancing in a tent with really old school music which reminded me of Middle School dances but was really fun. Then at 1 o’clock it was time for the jump. The guy that jumped before Meghan wanted her to jump naked but she wouldn’t be convinced so instead went in her underwear, although almost all the guys went naked. We were so proud of Meghan, it was great! Can’t believe she did it but it was wonderful! We watched the jumps then got another drink and danced some more. Meghan got really drunk which was funny. We got some fries then headed home and the car ride was great with Meghan drunk and telling Anna’s brother Joseph how to speak Russian and that in America he would be called J. When we got back to Thomas’ house Meghan realized she didn’t bring her key/gate opener. We told her not to press the button but she didn’t listen so poor Thomas and Manuela had to open the gate for us at 3am. Oops! Despite some rough patches of the day/night it was good.
8th- Today we spent the whole day relaxing. We sat by the pool sun bathing, swam in the pool with the kids, had a water fight, and lounged around. We got a little burnt but not too bad and had a great time just relaxing. Thomas and Manuela made us an amazing lunch with grilled vegetables and dip, it was amazing. After a day of fun in the sun I taught Heavens how to play a song on the piano and then we went for a long walk with some really pretty views and creepy frogs that sounded like ducks! Then we watched a weird science movie with the kids about killer pigs and their footprints that magically survived so many years. We also attempted to watch a film before bed but Meghan and Heavens fell asleep so it was only me. It was a wonderful, relaxing day.
9th- Happy Birthday Molly! Today we got up early and got ready to head about an hour away to go to a forest party. We met Meghan’s friends- Steve and Julia, Steve’s sister Alice and her boyfriend Daniel (swiss), and their parents. We got a ride to the forest and went in and started with a drink called bierbowle which is a mixture of beer, champagne, apricot liquor and juice. While we waited for the boys who went back to the house and got their bikes to ride down. When they got there we had some beer which I have to say was not bad. Then we were introduced to the shots. Basically this party was four to five hours long with ¾ of that time eating and drinking and ¼ watching men carry a tree out of the woods and onto a carriage to be brought into the market place and raised up the next day. Any excuse for Germans to drink. Therefore we had many, many shots and beer. I really enjoyed the shots- they were like Cognac shots with a slice of lemon on top and on the lemon was sugar and coffee. You were to eat the lemon then do the shot. Heavens hates lemon so was not fond of it but I loved it. She preferred the vodka shot with a powder that you eat first and mix the two in your mouth and it makes it all fizzy. I did not even want to try this. Heavens of course made friends with the tree men and therefore got a hat recording the event. Daniel bought me one too. We drank and ate bratwurst (we were not willing to try the fish sandwich). Then after much drinking, a tree man grabbing Heaven’s butt, food, and finding out Julia was pregnant we made the very long journey home. It was a very, very long walk, enough to sober you up. We tried to pass the time quickly by singing Disney songs but even that got old as we made this hour long walk back. Once back we had lots of water then cake and coffee and some watermelon before relaxing by the pool. We didn’t get in as we had to be getting back but Meghan stayed and swam. It was great getting to know new people and lovely people at that. They were all so lovely! It was a great, random day!

Until next time,


3 cities, 1 day

May 29th-31st, 2014

29th- Today we had no school because of Men’s Day so we got ready and went over to Meghan’s house. We met Manuela’s friends and chatted, drank, and ate some snacks together getting to know each other. We also met Dirk who is friends with Meghan. I played the piano a little bit and Heavens attempted to play the guitar but broke the string instead lol. Then Thomas’s parents came over and we all sat down and had a nice German meal together. Then of course the boys wanted to dance so we did lots and lots of dancing. Meghan and Heavens even doing break dancing! We danced until really late and when the boys went to bed us girls and Thomas played Cards Against Humanity…so funny! Then off to bed.
30th- Today we actually got up early according to our standards at Thomas’s house. But this was because we didn’t drink so much the night before. We all ate breakfast together then Heavens, Meghan and I ventured into Meerane to look at all the graffiti boxes and the statues on our calendar. We went around Meerane looking at all the cools ones and then took a walk in the park to find some. Next we went to Kaufland to see some more and to get some food for Mexican night! After finding all but two we headed home, showered, and waited for Maria to join us. Then we made quesadillas and watched Now you See me for Mexican night! After the film we played some cards- Bullshit and Sevens and laughed and drank. It was a fun night!
31st- Today we got up early and got ready to go to Weimar and Erfurt. We first went to Weimar and looked around at all the pretty buildings. We did our own tour and then got a bratwurst for lunch. Then we headed to Erfurt to look around. First we got a beer and sat in the square in the sun drinking and chatting. Then we walked around and looked at the canals and some shops, as well as the Cathedrals on the hill. They were beautiful and they sat in a beautiful square. The whole city was very pretty. We were running low on time so we quickly went home to get changed then went into Chemntiz. We had subway for dinner (as we had Maria if we needed a translator). Then we went to a beer house where they were celebrating their ten year anniversary with a live band- The Six Pickles. We got some drinks and chatted and people watched. Then Maria’s friends came to join us. They are really cool. We all sat and drank and ate pretzels people watching and listening to the music. We had a great time. Heavens even got a signed drum stick to add to her collection and we really enjoyed watching the bachelor and bachelorette parties as well as the creepy man who wanted to fight everyone! It was great! We had many laughs and really enjoyed ourselves. I even tried a beer mixed with cherry flavouring…it was okay. Overall it was a great night and a great weekend spent with great friends!

Until next time,
