Sunday 24 February 2013

My 25th!!

February 9, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!! YAY it’s my birthday!! I’m a quarter of a century old!! I have such wonderful friends as well! My poor girl has been super ill all week and yet she organized a celebration with everyone in the house!! YAY!! My birthday started off with a wonderful American themed breakfast of pancakes, maple syrup, strawberries, and bacon! YUM YUM! Then Heavens and I worked on wedding stuff all day and then she dyed my hair. Finally it was time for the celebrations!! It was an American themed party and Chinese New Year Celebration all rolled into one!! I also got an amazing necklace from her. I’m so lucky!! We had wonderful Chinese food mixed with American hot dogs and fries! And Matthew, Katie and Divya got me some alcohol for my birthday so I could have Sex in the Driveway!! YUM YUM!! We played American music and danced and ate lots of food. Bessie even organized some Chinese envelopes and had a little game for us to play! Finally, Heavens gave me the final surprise- A heart shaped red, white, and blue cake!!! It was wonderful!  Overall it was a great night and a wonderful way to celebrate my 25th Birthday!!

Until next time,


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