Sunday 24 February 2013

Baby Charlie Bear

February 15, 2013

This weekend we took the long journey up to see Heavens family. It was wonderful because we got to see BABY CHARLIE BEAR again. This is only the second time we have seen him since he was born and let me just say, he has just gotten cuter! We got to see lots of people whilst we were up and it was a wonderful weekend. Not take a look and you tell me, have you seen anything cuter, ever??

Until next time,


My 25th!!

February 9, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!! YAY it’s my birthday!! I’m a quarter of a century old!! I have such wonderful friends as well! My poor girl has been super ill all week and yet she organized a celebration with everyone in the house!! YAY!! My birthday started off with a wonderful American themed breakfast of pancakes, maple syrup, strawberries, and bacon! YUM YUM! Then Heavens and I worked on wedding stuff all day and then she dyed my hair. Finally it was time for the celebrations!! It was an American themed party and Chinese New Year Celebration all rolled into one!! I also got an amazing necklace from her. I’m so lucky!! We had wonderful Chinese food mixed with American hot dogs and fries! And Matthew, Katie and Divya got me some alcohol for my birthday so I could have Sex in the Driveway!! YUM YUM!! We played American music and danced and ate lots of food. Bessie even organized some Chinese envelopes and had a little game for us to play! Finally, Heavens gave me the final surprise- A heart shaped red, white, and blue cake!!! It was wonderful!  Overall it was a great night and a wonderful way to celebrate my 25th Birthday!!

Until next time,


Claire and Igor Visit!!

January 12-13, 2013

Claire and Igor decided to visit the lovely Devon. After their really long bus ride, we picked them up and headed into town for some lunch…well more like a British Breakfast! YUM! Then we headed to the Underground Passageways in Exeter. We had to wait for a tour to be ready so we went to the Cathedral to take a look, however they wanted us to pay to get in, so we decided to head to the free museum in Exeter. Apparently it was voted one of the best museums and it was pretty amazing. There were floors for paintings, and animals, and ancient times. We pretended to feed a buffalo and tickle a monkey and even dressed up in roman outfits. Once done we headed back to the Underground Passageways and got on the next tour. First we watched a video about how the Underground Passageways was built (digging a trench then covering it up) and why it was built (to supply fresh water to all as most people drank from the river…ewww). Next we got our helmets on and made our way into the dark and narrow passageways. There was only enough room for us to walk single file through the passages and sometimes even had to duck because it was so short. We heard a history lesson on the passages and eventually came to the end where we stood and listened for the pothole up on the road above us to rattle when a car went over it! SCARY! Then we were asked if we wanted to go into the tunnel that you crawl through, we all decided no and made our way back to the gift shop. We decided to head back to the Cathedral and have some tea and scones from a local shop. Very posh! Once our bellies were full and nice and warm we wandered back to the house to change and get ready for the night. We wanted to go to the Old Firehouse for some pizza but the place was packed…big surprise so we ended up at Bella Italia for a nice Italian meal. After some wine and dinner we went back to firehouse for some more drinks before eventually heading home. The next day Heavens had to work so Clair, Igor and I got some pasty’s and headed back to the Cathedral as it was free to get in on Sundays. We walked around a looked at the huge organ and then went to a little local coffee shop rated one of Britain’s best coffee shops. We had a nice coffee then met Heavens from work and headed to the train station. We decided it would be a good day for the beach. We headed to Dawlish Warren and walked along the beach seeing a guy on a bike doing tricks and a lovely view of the ocean. We walked along the beach all the way to Dawlish and decided to get some fish and chips! Then we played some arcade games before heading back on the train (trying to get out of paying for one extra stop….but that didn’t work!) Then unfortunately Claire and Igor had to head home. Overall it was a wonderful weekend and I’m so glad we got a chance to spend time with them and see the lovely sites of Devon.

Until next time,
