Sunday 24 July 2011

It’s July and I’m still in school…how pants is that??

July 12-24, 2011

This month has been super crazy. I’ve been trying to get ready for the end of school, for my mom to come visit and all the trips we are going on, figuring out everything with Heavens from a bank account to a place to live, and sorting out what the heck I’m doing next school year. Despite all this, of course we had time for some fun!
12th- We went to Zumba for some dancing fun!
13th- I went shopping for some new clothes because I was really getting tired of my old ones. Plus I needed to look good for my trip! Then we watched BIG BROTHER!!! 
14th- Harry Potter 2 came out and because we are genius’s we decided that we were going to go to the Midnight showing…well technically it was 00:01 (12:01) but anyways we decided to do this. After work we made a small dinner to tie us over. Then around 8 we went into Romford for some real food. We attempted to go to a pub for 6£ pizza and beer. Well me being the dimwhit I am, I tripped right outside the pub. Of course on our entire walk from the bus stop to the pub I have to trip right in front of it. This causes the guys to ask for our I.D.- obviously I looked a little drunk. And Heavens being the dimwhit she is doesn’t have valid I.D. and instead of just going inside while our I.D.’s were being checked…she jumped up and down asking if they wanted to see her I.D. as well and once they did they kicked us out! Therefore, we had to go elsewhere for dinner/ to hang out until the movie. We decided to head to where the movies are to find a restaurant there. We decided on pizza express as Heavens and I really wanted pizza. We got garlic balls and olives as a starter with some red wine. Then Heavens and I got Florentine pizza and Rachel got mushroom, chicken pasta (but gave all the mushrooms to me J ).  After dinner we had some AMAZING dessert. We each ordered a different dessert so we could share…or at least we attempted to share. Even though Heavens works with 5 year olds and knows the meaning of the word share….she has some difficulties at times. I got the chocolate ice cream cake, Rachel got raspberry ice cream, and Heavens got peanut and praline vanilla ice cream cake. Now I have to say, hers does sound the best. However, we were meant to SHARE! Rachel and I did get one bite… Next thing we know hers was devoured, lol; practically licking the plate. Heavens and I also ordered baileys’ Irish latte coffee…which was really, really good! After dinner we headed out to the movies to get our tickets and then realized we were right next to an arcade that was open late. PERFECT! We went inside and I saw a photo booth that was really cool. We decided to get our picture taken. It was pretty funny trying to fit all three of us in the booth and then posing for the pictures! We ended up with a silly picture on a postcard with the USA flag and statue of liberty on it. It looks really cool. Then we went and played a car racing game. I was soooo in the lead until the very last lap when I ran into the wall! And Heavens won. We then went to the bar in the arcade and had a drink before going up to the movies. Now even though Heavens has lived in this country for 27 years, and Rachel and I only just got here…she knows wayyyyy more about lines for movies than we do; which is why when we went upstairs to the movies there was no line whatsoever for the brand new Harry Potter movie…..WRONG! We joined the line and waited to be seated. We were a little tipsy which made it a little difficult at the beginning of the film to focus but because it was such a good movie we got over that quick! It was really good! We didn’t get back until about 2:30 am but it was definitely worth it.
15th- Today, luckily I didn’t have to go to work as we were exhausted. Poor Heavens had to go though. Rachel and I hung out and then I went to the doctors because I was still not well. Absolutely ridiculous by the way and finally got an anti-biotic so hopefully I will get better. After the doctors we headed into Romford to do some shopping and Heavens met us there. We spent the night shopping for clothes and hanging out. We even got Auntie Anne’s pretzels!!! YUM! Once home we sorted out our clothes and then went to get fish n’ chips for dinner and watched the movie Big. It was a good night.
16th- Well thank god we had a good night last night because the start of today was quite interesting to say the least. At about 6:30 this morning we heard this loud buzzing noise coming from my room. It took us forever to figure out what it was- the buzzer from the front door- and then it took us forever to figure out why it was going off. Heavens thought it was her mail that she had to sign for…unfortunately it wasn’t. Low and behold it was Lu, coming to collect a check that didn’t belong to her. Once Heavens got her outside (took a bit of time as she was really drunk) they chatted for a while and when Lu wouldn’t leave without the money the police had to be called. Once they told Lu and her sister to leave Heavens and I decided it would be best to get the f*** out of there ;). We went to her sisters for the weekend to sort everything out. We bought some alcohol and some stuff for dinner and hung out all night.
17th- Today we hung out at Heavens sister’s house with Olive. We had subway for dinner and we just relaxed while taking care of stuff. Then we watched part of Pulp Fiction before we went to bed J
18th- Today we didn’t go to work because we had some stuff we needed to sort out in Chelmsford where her sister is. We went to the bank and FINALLY got a bank account open for Heavens! YAY! Then we did a little more shopping and sorted some stuff out for my trip with my mom before heading back to Butler Court. We ate dinner with Rachel and packed before heading back to Romford to go to Redgrave’s house for the night. We hung out and watched movies.
19th- Today was back at work and let me tell you it was crazy! After work we hung out and got our presents ready for work.
20th- Today was a really easy day at work because the new teachers were teaching their classes which meant that Conor taught my class all morning. Then in the afternoon we made party supplies for our class party tomorrow. After work I ended up going to Lakeside with Redgrave, Redgrave’s mom, and Heavens. Lakeside is a really big mall with lots of shops so Heavens and I walked around a bit while Redgrave and her mom shopped. Then we went to dinner. We went to this really cool place called Ed’s Diner. It had all American food, including ROOT BEER!! How awesome is that? I ordered a root beer float with A & W root beer and a chicken sandwich with cheese fries. Heavens got a peanut butter milkshake with a burger. Once we were finished eating the funniest thing happened. Heavens had put napkins under the table to try to stop it from wobbling (which by the way didn’t work) so when we went to leave she had a napkin stuck to one foot. She kept jiggling her foot trying to get it off which in itself was funny but the funniest part was that she also had a napkin stuck to the other foot as well but had no clue it was there! It was the funniest thing watching her try to get these napkins off her feet! After dinner we went back to Redgrave’s house to watch a movie before bed.
21st- Today work was really easy again. This morning was cup stacking all morning. The first part was the younger kids competing, the second part was the older kids competing, and the third part was the adults competing. I even had to go up in front of everyone and stack cups. Luckily I won the first one but lost the second one. After lunch we had our going away party for the kids. We played games for the beginning, then went outside, then ate food all afternoon. After work we came home and ordered Chinese food and watched Dogma with Rachel.
22nd- Today was our last day at school! L and J I’m happy for the summer and for my mom to come visit but I was sad to say goodbye to my kids. I got lots of presents from my kids which was really sweet. In the morning we had assemblies to celebrate the kids successes and to say goodbye to everyone. I got called up front to say goodbye. After lunch we said our goodbyes to our kids and gave them their gifts. Then my TA Kimi and I exchanged gifts. She gives the BEST gifts! She gave me a cherries scarf, a cherries key chain, a cherry soda sticker, and a giraffe bookmark…..can you tell she knows me really well?? After school we had a BBQ at work. We hung about chatting and doing stuff until the BBQ started then we drank lots and ate lots of food while hanging out. We even played flip cup! It was fun but a little awkward at times especially when saying goodbye to everyone. Heavens and I came home and convinced Rachel and Brandy to go to the Eva Hart for a drink. Rachel and I stopped at McDonalds along the way. We got to the pub and had a drink before heading home. It was raining when we left. We got some Kebhabs for Heavens then got on the bus. Little did we know that we were at the ridiculous bus stop that has the same bus going in two different directions. Of course we got on the WRONG bus! We asked the bus driver what to do and he said get off and wait across the street at the other bus stop. So we got off at 11:30 at night, in the rain, and waited at the bus stop. About 20 minutes later the bus showed up and guess who is driving the bus??? THE SAME BUS DRIVER OF THE BUS WE JUST GOT OFF!!! He so could have told us that we could have stayed on the bus! Then he made us pay AGAIN! It was absolutely ridiculous! Luckily we finally made it home!
23rd- Today we sorted out a lot of stuff for my trip with my mom. We skyped her and moved Heavens into her own room! Then I cleaned and began some packing and getting ready for the next few weeks. We watched BIG BROTHER! We also tie dyed which was really sweet. Me and Rachel tie dyed 3 pairs of underwear and Heavens did a duvet cover. Then we watched Across the Universe before bed J
24th- Happy Birthday John! Today I seriously packed and got everything together for my trip. There was lots I needed done but it is so worth it. As of tomorrow my mommy will be here for two weeks! It’s off to Paris, then Rome, then Florence before a few days back here before she leaves. It is going to be awesome! I can’t wait!
Until next time,



Wednesday 13 July 2011

Being Sick is NO FUN! Or is it?

 July 2-4, 2011

Well this past week has been up and down. On Sunday Heavens, Lu and Me came back home to skype mom. We ended up skyping her for almost 4 hours! It was absolutely hilarious. I have no idea how Lu and I will be able to handle my mom and Heavens together in person, they were hilarious just on skype! We even got Heavens to do the quarter trick. Don’t ask me how she did it! Haha, hilarious. All I have to say is thumbs up to them! I didn’t even really get to skype my mom as Heavens was talking so much! But it was fun! After I went back to their house.
On Tuesday I had my first observation for a job next year. However, I woke up sick! I was losing my voice! Luckily I managed the observation fine and they seemed really happy about it. But I was slowly getting more and more sick. I decided Wednesday morning that I shouldn’t go into work because I had almost lost my voice completely and my ear began to hurt. That was when Heavens and Lu realized a baby snake had escaped! Romford escaped! We had to look for him. I suggested he went into the drawer with the clothes and luckily he had and they found him. They put him back and put a bottle on top of his lid so he couldn’t get out again. Later I skyped with my brother which was really nice and in the middle of the conversation Heavens called me upstairs because Romford had escaped AGAIN! He hadn’t gone far but he kept trying to bite us. So we had to get a tub and scoop him into it and lock the lid and put a brick on it. No more escaping from him! That night I felt the worst I have felt with being sick. My ear hurt soooo bad and I couldn’t stop coughing. We watched a movie then went to go to bed when I got called upstairs again because Edward had escaped this time! We weren’t so lucky this time because after about 2 hours of searching we still couldn’t find him! Still a mystery as to where he is.
Thursday I didn’t go to work because it was strike day for teachers and because I still felt sick. I called to change my observation from Friday to Tuesday and then I slept most of the day. When Rachel got home we went into Romford for dinner-KFC and to see the movie Transformers. It was good!
Friday- When Rachel got home from work we went into London for a canal boat cruise for timeplan. It was really nice. We got this really long boat and road up and down the canal going only 5 miles per hour. It was relaxing and fun, except for being sick and coughing the whole time. But we did get a free drink and a free canal boat cruise. Afterwards I just went home instead of staying out because I didn’t feel well.
Sunday- Today we had our 4th of July party and let me tell you it was one hell of a party. It started off good, cooking and eating and having a good time. We played flip cup, sang on singstar, let off lanterns, and drank! By the time everyone left we were exhausted. But of course, because it was MY 4th of July party…something drastic had to happen. And it did! I was spending the night at Heaven’s house as this was where the party was and little did I know (or either of them) that tonight would be the night they broke up. So at 2 in the morning Heavens and I had to quickly pack her things and come back to mine. So now I have a new roommate!!!!!! YAY!!!!
This whole week has been crazy, trying to sort everything out after a break up. You know what it is like, especially when not all parties are cooperating. I also was sick all week which didn’t help for my observation on Tuesday when I was sent home. All week we just sorted things out. I found out I didn’t get either job so I was bummed about that. But luckily over the weekend Heavens and I went to Chelmsford to her sister’s house for the weekend. It was nice to get away from everything and just relax. We drank and had a bbq and made the most of a weekend away.
Once back we sorted more things out, found Heavens a place to live J and the best news of all. Are you ready for it? It is better than anything I have said so far (maybe expect the part where Heavens is living with me now)………here we go……..ready? BIG BROTHER STARTED!!!!!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! I was soooooooo excited….can you tell? So we have been watching that and counting down the days until my mommy comes to visit! Can’t wait!
Until next time,