Thursday 30 June 2011

Brighten Up Your Life

June 13-24, 2011

It has been a while since I last wrote. A lot has happened. Here are the major things I felt were worth mentioning.
June 13th- Today after work I met up with Chris, Phil and Brandy to travel into London for her birthday dinner at a Tapas Bar. We met up with Dave, Anna, Mad Dog, Jo, and John Tyler there. We drank Sangria and they brought us out the 13 best tapas they had. It was so lush! They were sooo good and even though you have tiny plates…you eat a lot! After dinner I had the best strawberry cheesecake of my life. Even the strawberry on the side was amazing; so worth the trip and money to go. It was also nice to hang out with everyone that I haven’t seen in a while.
June 14th- Today at work I found out good news! My head teacher told me that next week I would be observed and if the observation went well then I’d be interviewed for a Year 1 position at my school next year. I got really excited but really nervous because it would be so cool to stay at my school! After work Mad Dog and I went to John and Bec’s house for a roast dinner. It was so good! It was also nice to catch up with everyone; although I was sad that I didn’t get to see the baby. 
June 17th- Today after work I took the train to see Meredith in Brighton. She had just moved in with her boyfriend so she had an apartment with a balcony looking out over the beach. It was so beautiful. I could so move there! We decided a night in would be best as the weather wasn’t the greatest. So we got two bottles of wine and were going to make a dinner in the oven. However, after about 3 hours we could not for the life of us turn the oven on. Nothing we did worked. So instead we ended up cooking something on the stove top, which was really good. We chatted and caught up on life for the night. It was good.
June 18th- This morning Meredith and I got up and decided to walk into Brighton, walking on the boardwalk by the beach the whole way. It was quite windy but the sun kept coming out and we got some lovely picture by the water. We did some jumping pictures and I touched the water. I also found some stones to bring back with me. It was really nice. We walked all the way to the pier and then walked into town and came across a festival. We walked down the festival looking at all the stands. Then we went to the food market and got some food. I got some tea and spinach and artichoke soup with bread. It was good. After, we met up with Meredith’s friend and walked back through the festival. This was when we saw some weird things. We saw a huge Beethoven dog which was really cool and we also saw some weird guy dressed in a full body suit (meaning it went over his head and everything) but the weirdest/coolest thing we saw was a group of people who all froze at the exact same time for a few minutes and then when a whistle blew they moved again. I have heard about these things and seen some on youtube but I have never seen it in real life and it was really cool. It had something to do with money as each person was holding some sort of money or something to do with money but I’m not sure what relation that had. However, it was really cool. After seeing all those cool things we went to sit in the park a bit then we walked back home stopping to get some groceries for food on the way. Once back we made pumpkin curry for dinner and somehow managed to get the oven working lol. Then I went to bed early because I wasn’t feeling the greatest.
June 19th- Today I left Brighton to go home, but because it was the weekend all the lines were shut down and it took forever to get home. I ended up going straight to Heavens house for a roast dinner. SOOOO good! Then I went home to skype mom. That was definitely an interesting conversation. It was good getting to talk to Matt as well and I found out we have a new puppy!! Her name is Bella and she is soooo cute.
June 20th- Today was the day! I was very very nervous going into work today but I thought I had everything pretty much covered and I was confident….until they walked into my classroom. My head teacher didn’t even come in like she was supposed to. It was someone from the Borough and the acting head for next year. I had never met either of them. As soon as they walked into my classroom they looked upset. It was like I was being judged before I even started teaching. They saw 15 minutes of my lesson…not even the whole lesson…then left. They came back about 15 minutes later and took me out of class to talk about my lesson. Immediately they told me that I did not have the job and then preceded to have a 15 minutes conversation about how terrible my lesson was and that I’m not experienced enough and don’t know the curriculum well enough to stay at the school. The only good things they had to say was that I had a good rapport with my children and I seemed like a nice person but that I should go elsewhere for a job. After all of this (and me crying in the meeting with them) I had to walk back to class and go in and continue teaching! My poor kids didn’t know what was going on, bless them. Then I decided I wasn’t going to the staff meeting so instead I went to Heavens house and Lu took care of me. She got me some ice cream and gave me lots of hugs and we talked. When Heavens got home we watched movies all night until I felt better about everything.
June 22nd- Today at work we had a silent disco for the whole afternoon. It was AWESOME! Each person got their own set of headphones which had two channels on it. We went back to our classes and Heavens class joined my class and we spent the whole afternoon dancing and singing. It was really fun and I really wish we could do that every day! After work I went to the gym with Rachel. It is the new gym and I don’t really like it that much. Then I skyped with mom for a little bit and Heavens and Lu came over. We met up with Rachel and Kevin and we went to Mad Dogs house to watch a movie with him and Jo. We watched Just Go With It which was a really good movie. It was really funny. After I went to Heavens house to spend the night.
June 24th- Today after work I found out that two schools are interested in me and want to observe me next week. One school is a new school opening in Barking which is about an hour away and the other is a school right across the street from me. The first school wants to come observe a lesson I am teaching on Tuesday and the other school wants me to go there on Friday to teach for the day. After work we headed to Heavens house to get ready for our date night out in London. I wore my cherries dress and we headed into London to go to a wine tasting/dinner. We got there and walked to find the restaurant. We ordered a drink and when I asked where to go for the wine tasting/dinner we were told that it was a big scam. That the guy who normally did it had bailed on the restaurant months ago and this was no longer happening. Kevin and Rachel showed up and we were bummed that it was a scam but we decided to go to Romford for dinner instead. We went to Ciao Bella for dinner instead. We got a bottle of house wine and some dough balls for an appetizer. Then I got pasta with a mushroom sauce. It was really good. It was a nice date even though it didn’t go as planned.

Some quotes from this week:
*Will you take it off with your teeth?
*You can’t pull it off like me Ray, I have got the sex bomb appeal, I think it’s the hair.
*We’re kind of alone in the Lamb….That is creepy!
*Americans- quick and easy, Brits- slow and hard, Scots- quick and easy, emphasise on the quick
*Do you like your meat raw?
*Did you like whack it loads the other day?
*We need to so some funky shit tonight.
*I’m going to pretend the cotton buds aren’t talking to me.
*Is it annoying when I go like this…. (pats cheeks)
*I thought when we were getting adopted by a bald guy it was going to be more like Annie.
*It was like baseball but with a bigger ball.     So softball?    Well it was quite a hard ball.
*When is the 4th of July?    The 3rd.
*I piss myself off sometimes. I’m good at that. It’s when I hear my own voice.
The last thing I have to mention is that 3 baby snakes were born this past week. One was born the day we went to Romford. Heavens said before we left that it would be cool to come home to a baby snake and we did! So his name is Romford. The other two were born a few days later. I saw one hatch and we had to cut him out and his name is Bubbles because he had a lot of bubbles when coming out and the last one we cut out and his name is Edward Scissors because he had to be cut out. They are really cut too!
Until next time,

Wednesday 8 June 2011

A week to remember

May 21, 2011- June 2, 2011

Ok so this past week and a half has been crazy! It started off on:
Saturday May 21st- Becoming a Romford Girl! Today Heavens came over to the BC (arriving might I add really early because she didn’t realize the bus would only take 10 mins.) Once there we showed her around (she HAD to visit Kiddie’s room and see the gym- where we played some ping pong….literally bouncing it off the walls and ceiling) Then we went to the lounge to have some drinks and talk. We phoned Redgrave to see how long she was going to be. Then we went to Rachel’s room so she could get ready. I wanted her to change her shirt so I picked out a new one that matched mine but she didn’t like it. I wanted her to at least try it on but she wouldn’t so Heavens decided to lock me in the wardrobe. But that’s ok because I blew on her through the gap! I was finally let out and we went to my room where we met up with Brandy who had tequila with the cap in the shape of a hat. So we did shots of tequila out of the hat! Then we headed into Romford to meet up with Redgrave. In the parking lot I decided to hide behind a van to scare the girls, and ended up scaring an old man walking by instead. On the bus Heavens was mad at me….who knows why! Once we got to Romford Heavens ran down the road shouting to Redgrave. We began our adventure at the Lamb! What a wonderful place! In the bathroom Heavens and I attempted to buy garters….unfortunately they were all sold out! We did a few shots. And danced and to my luck I met Disco Ray. An OAP! (Old Age Person) He was wonderful dancing with all of us. Heavens thought it would be great if I grabbed his ass. However, I was not willing to do so without a bit of incentive. Therefore, I made her buy me a drink first then on our way out while we were walking towards the door he passed us and I so grabbed that ass. And Ran! And here is where the wonderful quote from Heavens comes into play- ‘I would’ve grabbed your ass but my hand would’ve gotten lost.’ Next we went to The Worlds Inn where we ran into Keith! Drank some more and danced. This time Rachel found the creepers. They decided to massage her shoulders while they danced with her. After that we went to Brannigans. We ordered a fish bowl…which Heavens decided to put on her head like Cat in the Hat. I also apparently got chatted up by some guy but I don’t really remember lol. Then we went to McDonalds and ordered a bunch of food. After I finished eating mine I ate the rest of the Heavens and then I really wanted chicken nuggets and the guy across from me had some so I said I wonder if he would give me one of them. So Heavens asked him if he would give me one and for some god knows reason he did! He passed the box to me and I ate one and then Heavens really embarrassed him by telling him how great he was lol. We got on the bus to go home – ‘Becontree Heath Bus Station!’ and we got back to BC and Heavens was spending the night! So we talked before bed.
Wednesday May 25th- After work Jen and I ventured the whole hour on the district line to get to the Hammersmith Apollo Theatre to go see Olly Murs! Heavens from work made me an awesome sign that said Olly…r u thirsty? Fancy a Soda! It was great. Once there I began buying my souvenirs which included the program book, a t-shirt, and a key chain! After that we got a glass of Guinness to share and headed to our seats. The opening band was called the Kixx and they were pretty good. I really liked the drummer as well J. Then next up were Wonderland which was also good, although I think I would’ve liked them better hearing them on the radio then actually seeing them in concert. Then finally Olly Murs came on stage! He is so cute! Plus he is a really good dancer and singer. I also fancied his drummer as well…guess I have a thing for drummers. Olly sang lots of songs and of course Jen and I sang along to them. We didn’t really end up sitting at all, most of the time we stood up and danced. And of course I held up my sign for Olly but unfortunately he didn’t read it. He also brought a little girl up on stage instead of me, but it was cute. I had a really good time and I’m glad I went.
Thursday May 26th- Today after work I went with Kevin and Rachel to Mad Dog’s to watch a movie and order Chinese. We had some problems with the playstation so the dvd we brought which was Robin Hood the cartoon but it didn’t work so we ended up getting The Other Guys instead and eating lots of wonderful Chinese food. I ended up falling asleep during the movie though because I was so tired from getting back late the night before.
Friday May 27th- Today was our last day of work before our week long break. After work Jen and I went to Zumba. It was a Zumba party so it went for 2 hours. It was really fun and I danced the whole two hours. Although when it was done I was ready to be done with it. However, I was really hyper after and considered going out dancing lol but instead hung out with Jen a bit before bed.
Saturday May 28th- Today Rachel, Kevin, and I went into London to go to the Portabella Market.  It was really cool. There was a huge long street with just stands. We skipped all the boring stuff like antiques and clothes and headed straight for the food! We first had some brushetta with cheese and tomato and then we had a falafel (which we had never had before but it was really good) then we had some blackberries, then chocolate covered strawberries, and finally Paella….wonderful, amazing, Paella. I got seafood again, which was good and tried some of Rachel’s chicken. We also shopped around for some jewellery for a bit and then ended up heading home to get ready to go over to Heavens. I ended up going to Heavens house first. I got to meet her two cats- Tilly and Dave (who loves to give kisses!) and her two dogs- Frank (or Fred as I renamed him) and Rita and her bearded dragon Merrick and finally her snakes! The first one she brought for me to hold was Zen who was the tiny snake. She put her on my hands/arms and I freaked out because I didn’t want her to bite me. So she said she wasn’t bringing anymore down. Then we played wii bowling for a bit. I won the first time, then Heavens cheated so she won. When Rachel and Kevin got there we played as teams but I had Merrick on my lap so I didn’t do so well. Also while Merrick was on my lap and we were asking Heavens what he eats and she decided to show me the mealworms that he ate by holding out the worm towards my face which was pretty funny until the mealworm decided it would bite here which was hilarious! Really hilarious, especially her face when it happened. I couldn’t stop laughing!! We also played tennis on the wii and I really did not like the fact that my wii character did not swing the right way so I could never hit the ball! Therefore, by default…Heavens won L Then Kevin wanted to see the snakes so she brought down Goddie who was a little bigger. Kevin held her most of the time but then they decided to put her around my neck and again I freaked out a bit and they took her off of me. Then Heavens came down with the big snake- Karma. He is a salmon boa and he is pretty big. Heavens said he likes to hang around your neck so I let her put him there. It was fine at first he was just hanging about. But then all of a sudden his head came up by my head and he decided it would be fun to crawl all over my face and head! I was like OH MY GOD!!! At first I freaked out but then I realized he wasn’t going to hurt me so I let him do whatever he wanted. He stayed on me for about an hour just chillin’ out, crawling over my head, in my hair and even towards my stuff. He really liked me. I liked him too. But then he had to be put away so the dogs could come out. Then I got to meet Heavens fiancĂ©’ Lu and then Rachel, Kevin, and I went home.
Sunday May 29th- This morning I got up early to catch the bus/train to Brighton to visit Meredith. I haven’t seen Meredith in about 5 years. It’s really awesome that she is over here the same time I am. I will tell you what though I will never again decide to leave from Romford. It was so confusing trying to get to the train. I had to get a bus to Romford, take a replacement bus to Newbury Park, get on the Central line to Stratford and then take the Jubilee line to London Bridge to finally take the train to Brighton. But I eventually made it and met up with Meredith. We dropped my stuff off at her house then headed into town to see Brighton. First we went to get tea and cupcakes which were really good. I got a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting. YUM! Then I got to see all the shops, we did a little shopping, and she took me to the pier. This would be where a crazy girl was walking towards me and totally ran into me. Like actually ran into me, not just a little bump as an accident. I turned around and instead of her apologizing like I figured she would, instead she flipped me off and said F*** off! I was like oh my god this girl is going to kill me lol so I turned and ran away haha. Then we walked out on the pier and decided (against her will J ) to go on the scary ride called the Boomer at the end of the pier. It swings you around taking you upside down and over the water at the edge of the pier. It was very scary but super fun! After the ride we headed to the bars. We stopped at one giving out free samples of gin and tonic then we headed to La Iguana for some drinks. They had two for 1 drinks so Meredith and I had a few while catching up on our lives for the past 5 years. It was lots of fun. Then we headed back to her flat to drink some wine and then decided we should probably eat dinner. We headed to Pizza Express for dinner. I got some pizza with olives, peppers, spinach and egg on it (I know weird right but pretty good!) And according to Heavens its’ called a Popeye pizza Toot Toot!! After dinner we met up with Meredith’s boyfriend and his friend at a pub and drank some more wine for a bit before we decided we had been drinking for too long and decided to go home and go to bed.
Monday May 30th- Today when we got up we decided to go eat breakfast. I tried Salmon and scrambled eggs with toast which was really good! Interesting, but good! After breakfast we walked around a bit looking at the shops. Then we went back to see her boyfriend for a bit then we headed back to some shops and I got a smoothie and walked into the gay part of Brighton which was, if I must say, interesting…very interesting shops. We walked back and saw the Queens palace which is cool and after looking at the mall Meredith’s boyfriend left and Meredith and I went to find something to eat. I tried a Cornish pie which was pretty good. I got chicken and broccoli. Then I went into a piercing place across the street and bought a cherries piercing. After we headed back to get my stuff then headed to the train station and I actually got to catch and earlier train back although it still took me forever to get back home because I had to take the train to the tube to another tube to a bus to another bus. But I finally made it home!
Tuesday May 31st- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOMMY AND DAD!!!! Today I tidied up my room and got ready for Heavens and Collins to come over before Zumba. I was told I had a surprise! I was really excited and a little scared. When I walked outside I saw Heavens and Collins standing there with arm bands, headbands and legwarmers on! All neon colors! It was very funny. Oh they also had sweat towels with them! They came inside and decided it would be fun to take loads of pictures in different poses! ‘Stretch it out, stretch it out’ Then we ate dinner where Heavens told us about the ‘gay walk’ and that all gay people have a ‘walk’ that they do. I asked her to show me but she wouldn’t unless I showed her how I ran away from the crazy girl in Brighton. So she showed me her ‘gay walk’ which is a little ridiculous! It’s more like a gansta walk. Then we headed to the gym in the building. We were going to try to play ping pong, but there wasn’t a ping pong ball so instead they decided to try out the gym equipment. Heavens even lifted 149 pounds!!! All by herself!!!!!!!!! After the gym we hung out in my until it was Zumba time then we headed to Zumba (Collins, Heavens, Jen and Me) to meet up with Kimi and we did Zumba…where Heavens laughed the entire time! And then decided to be mean to me by pouring water down my back! So Collins poured her whole water all over Heavens. After Zumba Jen and I went back to Heavens house for a bit until Meredith arrived at the station. At her house we tried watching Goddie eat a rat. Which was cool but she decided to play with it for a while and I couldn’t wait around for her to stop playing. Then I went to get Meredith and we got some food and headed back home.
Wednesday June 1st- This morning I got up early to take Meredith back to the station then I went to Heavens house for the day. We started by watching Labyrinth because I was told I MUST watch it. It was alright. I thought it was very similar to Wizard of Oz and Jarred had really tight pants on with a sock down there ;) After the movie we went to school and Heaven and Kiddie were there so we decided to have a football (soccer) match in the hall. Boys against girls. Girls so won…no matter what the boys say, because they lie. We even won when the boys were cheating by kicking us in the ankles! I also had an amazing goal! And then Kiddie scored a goal because instead of blocking the goal like she was supposed to Heavens decided to stand by it asking me if she should guard it and while I was busy getting the ball and too busy to answer her she just watched Kiddie score a goal! After winning the football (soccer) match we met up with Danielle to see her new baby Jacob who is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable! He is so tiny and so cute! Heavens was pushing his stroller around the hallway and then she remembered she didn’t know where her glasses were so while she was trying to figure out where they were she accidently ran the stroller into the wall. After she almost tried killing Jacob she held him and I was so excited when Heavens FINALLY let me hold him! After that Heavens took me to the store cold-blooded where there were really sweet animals like the frogs that look dead and don’t move at all (I still think they were really dead) and the pig nose turtles which look funny. We also saw some huge alligators and snakes which were cool. I stayed away from the spiders though. Heavens protected me and stood in front of them. Then we went back for lunch. After lunch I decided Heavens could attempt to dye my hair; even after Lu warned me many times not to let her. I picked blueberry black for my hair dye and ended up with a blue head! My forehead, ears, and neck were all blue when she was finished. I felt like the girl in Wily Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Violet) who ate the blueberry dinner and turned into a blueberry. I also found it pretty funny when she washed the dye out of my hair, it tickled. And instead of just washing my hair she also decided to spray water all over my pants. Once she was done it actually didn’t look too bad; besides the blue all over. After we watched Get Him to the Greek and then we walked to the shop to get food for dinner. Heavens cooked me spaghetti and meatballs (without the meatballs lol). A.K.A. SpagBol After we watched The Decent where I freaked out of course. Then I attempted to go home. Heavens walked me to the bus stop where we saw a lovely man walk across the street, pick up garbage off the street and put it into his bag. Then Heavens yelled at me for staring off into space looking the wrong direction of where the bus was coming from. But in reality I was thinking that if I was back in America then the bus would be coming from this direction….but I really wasn’t. I also really had to pee so we went back to her house and I ended up staying the night. We watched Mirrors which stopped about 15 minutes before the end. Left me in suspense the whole night! And then finally we watched But I’m a Cheerleader while Heavens checked for holes in her eyelids. She found 4.
Thursday June 2nd- Today I was woken up by Heavens and then I went home to get ready for my Skype date with Aaron. It actually went pretty well; except I was a little upset afterwards so I skyped Heavens and Lu who told me to come over; so off I went again. Heavens decided to make me dinner but instead of thinking about what she needed ahead of time and instead of remembering to bring her phone with her, we got all the way down to the shops when she realized she didn’t know what she needed or have her phone to call anyone. So we walked all the way back. Then she made lasagne and we walked back to the shops to get alcohol. I also told them about the oompa loompa dances at the end of Willy Wonka so Heavens and I decided it would be fun to dance to them. Then we spent the night drinking and talking and telling jokes Heavens and I stayed up talking until it was light outside. Heavens informed me that it couldn’t be the next day until we slept for a bit or until it turned 8 o’clock. So instead of waiting till 8 we decided to have a short sleep. I say short because I AGAIN was woken up by Heavens the next morning.
*Quotes from spending time at Heaven’s House*
*’I called my mom and said I have a mouse in the house…..’   ‘And a fox in a box?’
*’3 Hours later and she’s still giving it to me’ (talking about the dog bringing her the toy)
*’I know the alphabet….what comes after M’
*’I’ve  got kankles’
*’We’re learning about diameter today.’
*’Where are they?   I don’t know where they a…r……..’
*I can turn a bean into a pumpkin!’
*’I imagined her with no pants on.’
*’We could paint eyes on our eyelids so everyone would think we were awake when we were asleep.’
*’If I don’t sleep it’s like the same day. I have to take a little nap so it can be the next day.
*Pneumonoultramicroscipicsilicovocanoconiosis…but at the moment it’s hard to say……oh you didn’t hear the first part!’
Friday June 3rd- Today I went home and got ready to go into Romford. Jen and I decided to attempt to find the piercing place in Romford. There were two places we could go to but the one place looked difficult to find so we decided to go to the other place. However, that ended up being just as hard to find. Finally after 45 minutes of looking for it we found it and realized it was very easy to find if we had been coming from the other direction. But at least now we know where it is. We decided to get our Tragus pierced. Jen wanted me to go first and she watched. I have no idea how she watched them do it and then got it down herself, I couldn’t even watch it after I had already gotten mine done. It really hurt! I could hear it crunch….TWICE! EWWWW! But it looks good so I’m glad I did it. After we walked into Romford and went shopping for a bit. Then I met up with Andrew and we went to the movies. We just picked the next thing that was playing which so happen to be X Men. It was pretty good considering I don’t remember seeing any of the other movies. After the movie I headed back to Heaven’s house. Where we drank and ate food and chatted for a bit. Then we decided to do the Oompa Loompa dance with my favorite part…READY? Then we put on some music and danced and sang for a while. After dancing Lu decided to get out the bottle…..of brandy…….enough said. 5 hours later…….we went to bed…just so it could be a new day.
Saturday June 4th- ‘Soda!......Soda!......hey Soda!....’    ‘Yes Heavens’    ‘So me and Lu were talking… we were talking…….so like me and Lu were talking…….’    ‘So you were talking?’
Heavens and I watched videos on youtube for a while. Then I decided to stay here for the day. We played cards for bit and then went to get pizza at pizza hut. When we got back we watched The Frighteners then 30 Days of Night and then I went home so that for once on my vacation I could sleep in. J
Sunday June 5th- I slept in until 12 30! And then turned on my phone to a text from Heavens. Then I tidied my room and started writing in my journals and my blog. After dinner I went over to Heavens…big surprise! I practically live there now. Then I got a phone call from a guy I didn’t want to talk to so Heavens took the call for me. She even put on her wonderful American accent.
*’Soda Pop Pop Pop…. You can look me up on yahoo, I tried Soda Pop Pop but it was taken so I tried Soda Pop but that was taken too so Soda Pop Pop Pop.’
*’Yea it’s cold here. The other day Rachel and I were wearing…I think you call them Boob tubes? Yea and daisy dukes….do you know what daisy dukes are? They’re really short shorts. Yea uh huh so we were wearing them with high heels outside and it was like reallllllly cold, I had to put a top on because things were showing that shouldn’t have been!’
*’I SAID!’
*’I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters and my mom’s married to my…..well I won’t tell you that just yet, it’s a bit messed up.’
As you can see this past week and a half has been super crazy and super fun.

Until next time,