Tuesday 26 April 2011

Quotes From Ireland- or really Quotes from Pa (x-rated)

         April  21-25, 2011

           *When is a leprechaun not a leprechaun? When he is up a fairies skirt and he’s a goblin!
<!*I have a money back guarantee, if you don’t like the show I have a money back guarantee.
<!*Our good friend Jack went to the distillery in the sky where whisky was on tap all night long.
*   *Beggars can’t be boozers
     *There were two men on opposite sides of the world. One walking on a tightrope and the other getting a blow job from an 80 year old woman. Yet they had the exact same thought at the exact same time- For God’s Sake DON’T LOOK DOWN!!!
     *It’s Good Friday, we call it bad Friday (because they can’t drink)
<!*  (A girl on our tour)Wait we can’t have sex on Good Friday?
    *  My father is a matchmaker, I don’t have any match making abilities, but I do have sexual tension abilities and there is sexual tension in this room.
    *  A girl got up to go to the bathroom after her husband had gone a few minutes before) Are you going to the bathroom to have sex? If I were married to her I would. It’s not illegal, it’s pleasurable
   *   Sex by yourself is fine, sex with another is better.
   *   It’s hard to be good and it’s good to be hard.
      * We’re only young once, go have sex tonight.
     *  Snakes are extinct in Ireland but tipping is not, if you want to tip me I love tits.
      *  Stay together, stay in a group. You don’t have to have group sex…unless you want to.
    * Let me first reference this joke as the worst joke you will ever here and end the blog with this: Tom and Mary were drinking in the bar from 9am to 9pm. Mary said, ‘Tom I want kinky sex’ Tom said, ‘Wait a minute Mary I still have my whole beer to finish’ He finished it in one gulp and they went straight home. Mary said, ‘Okay Tom what do you want to do. I mean we’ve done pretty much everything already. What is something different you want to do?’ Tom said, ‘Can I come in your ear?’ Mary said, ‘No Tom.’ Tom said, ‘Why not Mary?’ Mary said, ‘I might go deaf!’ Tom said, ‘Mary, for god’s sake woman, I’ve been coming in your mouth for years and you’ve never shut up!’

Until next time,

Lynn and Ian’s 3 day Southern Tour, Illegal Good Friday Lock-in, Basking Sharks & Beautiful Weather, Biggest Crowd of Smart Arses, Legendary Driving, Name that Sheep, Easter Extravaganza

April 21-25, 2011

Disclaimer: Let me just being by saying that over the course of these next four days you may find some things that could be discouraging to a trip and you might even think to yourself, how did she go on!? But just remember Ireland IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!
Day 1: Our trip began with Mad Dog picking us up and bringing us to the airport. He was wonderful as it only took us 30 minutes to get there rather than us using the tube/train and it taking 2 hours. We figured this was a good sign. Little did we know….I was planning on becoming a Terrorist and my first mission was taking down the plane I paid to be on so that I couldn’t go on the trip that I paid to go on….dun, dun, duuuuuun!!!! How you might ask? Could this be done??? Well for all you terrorist planners out there, come here a minute- the secret is to bring Contact solution in a 100 ml bottle as a carry on! It’s that simple! Or that stupid! Considering I had brought the exact same thing a week before when I went to Spain, however this time it was not allowed. It apparently leaked onto all my other liquids and then they decided my mascara and concealer (from another bag) needed to be put in with those liquids (therefore getting the contact solution on those as well). He tested my liquids then told me they tested positive. I asked what that meant and he said that basically there was a liquid in there that could hurt a plane. I said that was news to me and he said that my contact solution had 2% hydrogen peroxide in it that apparently could hurt a plane. So I had to wait while they tested, cleaned, and re-tested my liquids. Meanwhile I am freaking out because it is getting close to the time my gate closes. These two men dressed in uniforms with huge machine guns come to talk to me. Luckily, they were really nice and said I should have plenty of time to get to my gate as most gates didn’t close at the time they said they did. I sent Rachel to the gate anyways in hopes that she could stall the plane if need be. Then two women came up to me telling me I needed to be searched as this was procedure. So I packed up my things and was going to go get searched when they finished with my liquids. They gave me back only 3 items- a free bottle of lotion I had, my body wash, and my mascara. They kept the rest- my contact solution, concelear (now remember I didn’t put it in that bag to begin with, they did so it should never have gotten contaminated), shampoo, conditioner, and eye drops. They told me I had two options. I could either throw away the items (what I said at the beginning that they wouldn’t let me do) or I could go back through security and check the 5 little bottles of liquid for 35 pounds and come back through security. I said fuck it get rid of them (even though I am allergic to every other kind of contact solution and cannot find the one I need anywhere but one store in England) because I didn’t want to miss my plane. They threw them away and then said I still needed to be searched. It was absolutely ridiculous. If I was a terrorist then I wouldn’t have wanted my shit thrown away and obviously I no longer had my shit so why the hell do I need to be searched on top of all of it. They quickly searched me and I signed a form and then ran to my gate. I had to weave in and out of people, saying excuse me the whole time. I even got yelled at by a woman saying Do you mind? When I accidently brushed past her while saying excuse me. I kept running and found my gate. I could see Rachel and my gate and then all of a sudden this woman steps in front of me and tells me I need to weigh my bag. I was like are you serious? So I weigh it (btw it was only 5 kg and it could up to 10 kg) and get in line with Rachel to board the plane. I was so upset, frustrated, and frazzled. But thank god I made the plane! We arrived in Dublin and finally found the bus that took us over an hour away closer to our hostel. On the bus we met a girl who was from California who was an au pair in France and was staying in Dublin for the weekend. We ended up getting off the bus with her and helping her find her hostel as it looked on the map like our hostel was on the next street away from hers. We got off the bus and saw some of the sights of Dublin like the cathedrals, the monumental buildings and the erection in the intersection (a.k.a the stiletto in the ghetto) haha or as it is supposed to be known- The spire- built for millennium. We found Lauren’s hostel and then attempted to find ours, however the map lied and we weren’t right next to hers we were down around the corner and over a few streets, but we did eventually find it. We got there and everyone was really nice, we checked into our 20 bed room. It actually was cool because the beds were sectioned off into small rooms of four beds. We dropped off our stuff then headed into town so I could go buy all the stuff that was stolen off me at the airport. We went to the pharmacy and I tried finding contact solution that wouldn’t give me an allergic reaction and then to Café Dame for pizza for dinner. We also got snacks including popcorn and reeses pieces! We walked around a bit in town then went back to the hostel to read/get ready for bed and eat our snacks. We also used the free wifi and attempted to sleep (after I bumped my head on the frame of the bed!). It was nearly impossible to sleep however because the lit up exit sign was right above us and people kept coming in and out of the hostel so we barely got any sleep.
Day 2: This morning we woke up, got ready and ate the complementary breakfast from our hostel. Then we got in line to check in for our tour. There were two girls running the tours, one on each bus and I was praying not to get the annoying girl and thank god we didn’t! We got Lynn instead who was really nice and not annoying. We got on our Irish tour bus with our bus driver Ian. We first played a game where we had to get up and say our name, where we were from, our super power if we had one, our favourite colour, and our celebrity shag. Then we headed for our first stop- Abby-Leix. This town was famous because it provided the carpet for the Titanic and it is pretty ironic that it has the work leix (pronounced leaks) in the name. We stopped here for a pit stop and took some pictures of some nice looking buildings. Then continued our journey to The Rock Of Cashel. This castle (that unfortunately had scaffolding on it) was famous because St. Patrick taught here and he also baptized a King in the Castle. We climbed the rocks and looked around a bit. We heard some stories about St. Patrick- he wasn’t actually a St. because to become a Saint you had to perform a miracle and his miracle was getting rid of all the snakes in Ireland by drowning them…however some believe there were never any snakes to begin with. He also used the shamrock to explain the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, therefore making it famous. After the Rock of Cashel we headed to Blarney Castle. The best part about Blarney Castle was waking up Cherry Walk to get to it J Blarney Castle got its name because Queen Elizabeth I imposed a law that said every person in Ireland had to give up their land, convert to Protestantism, and for a small fee could get their land back. She did this to many people and would burn down whole towns to get what she wanted. She wrote a letter to Cormack McCarthy, King of Munster requesting he did the same. He did not want to so he wrote back that he was fine thank you, but he was not going to convert, however he did love the Queen and for her to visit any time she wanted. The Queen thought he was being silly and wrote back again requesting he do this, and again McCarthy wrote back that he really was fine and wasn’t going to convert but he loved her anyways. The Queen got very frustrated and exclaimed, “This is all Blarney, what he says he doesn’t mean;” thereby creating the new word. Blarney Castle became famous for its stone of eloquence. This stone came to be when a prince fell in love with a fairy. He was deeply in love with her and her with him. One day they were walking in the garden when an enemy of the King shot the prince with an arrow straight through the heart. As he fell to the ground the fairy got a stone to place under his head and called for the King. The King came immediately and said his goodbyes to his son he loved so much. The fairy then told the King that she could kiss the prince on his last breath and take him with her to the fairy world, however he would never be allowed to return to the human world again. Loving his son so much, the King agreed and as the prince took his dying last breath the fairy kissed him and they went away to the fairy world never to be seen again. The king was so upset over the death of his son that he took the stone he had been laying on and brought it with him to the Castle and built it into the Castle. Nowadays it is said that if you kiss the stone of eloquence you will grow eloquent. However, kissing the stone is no easy task. It is so difficult in fact that there are people to help you do it. You must lay on your back and bend over backwards, put your hands across from you holding onto the metal bars and dip yourself into the whole while very high up (it’s at the tallest point in the castle) with only two metal bars to stop you from falling to your death…oh and the man holding onto you for dear life. Needless to say…I was petrified! I almost didn’t do it because I was so scared, but I manage to get over my fear and I kissed the stone of eloquence. So now I speak eloquently. I hope this reflects in my writing as well J After exploring the Castle and seeing interesting things like floating fireplaces because entire floors had been knocked out we made our way to the poison garden. The best part about the garden was the sign saying you were not allowed to touch, smell, or eat any of the plants in it. I’m really glad they posted this sign because I’m known for going around to Castle gardens touching, smelling, and eating all their plants! The other great part about this garden was that some plants had cages over them because they were sooo dangerous! We read some of the signs but didn’t stay too long as we didn’t want to die from being in the garden lol. The pictures of it are better anyways. Especially the invisible plant! After the garden we walked around a bit exploring and came across some waterfalls and a sweet rock that was mysteriously placed there and sometimes still rocks back and forth and no one knows why. We also found the wishing steps. These steps are important because the witch uses firewood at night to burn for her fire and to repay us for letting her use the wood she will grand us a wish. However to be granted a wish you have to walk backwards up the steps and forwards back down while thinking of your wish….with your eyes closed! Rachel, Courtney (the girl we met on the bus from California) and I all made our wishes and climbed the stairs. Hopefully they will come true! After the stairs we found the witches cave where she used the wood to burn her fires and Rachel thought it would be a good idea to give her some wood to help out with her wish so she did. Then we found the stone that looked like the Witches face so I kissed it for good luck. We finally headed back to the bus to begin our journey to Killarney. Killarney is where we stayed for the night. We checked into our hostel- Neptunes then went to subway for dinner. After, we walked to the National Park taking gorgeous scenery pictures along the way. We walked all the way to Ross’s Castle up on the hill and made it all the way without it raining and quickly enough to make it back in time to get ready. We headed back, seeing a major race along the way, and got ready at our hostel to go out for the night. We met in the lobby with the rest of our group to go on our ‘walking’ tour of Killarney. Really we weren’t going on a walking tour but we had to make it look that way because on Good Friday in Ireland pubs are not allowed to be open and serve alcohol and people are not allowed to be in pubs and drink alcohol. However, on this tour in Killarney they always go to this pub and listen to Pa speak while drinking. Pa convinced the pub to sneak us into it so we could continue the tradition. We quickly snuck into the pub and bought some drinks and went upstairs to listen to Pa. The pub – O’Connors was really cool because it had dollar bills all over the place from people visiting with their hometowns written on them and names and it also had patches all over from different places. The coolest part was seeing some from New York and even better from Syracuse New York! We listened to the storytelling by Pa who was absolutely hilarious and absolutely ridiculous. Not only did he tell funny jokes (see next blog- quotes from Ireland) but he also drank like crazy! He drank 7 pints of Guinness and 4 shots of whiskey in less than 4 hours and that was only the alcohol in front of us, he went and drank downstairs in-between acts! He was absolutely pissed by the end of the night and it took forever to actually get out of the pub because Pa kept telling us to be quiet so we didn’t get caught by the police or garda but then he’d talk really loud and then he wouldn’t let us out of the pub because he didn’t think it was midnight yet and thought we were going to get caught but after 10 minutes of convincing we finally got him to open the door. We headed over to McSorely’s night club since it was after 12 people were out drinking now that it wasn’t Good Friday anymore. We were told that Irish people freak out when there is a day they cannot drink so of course the club was hoppin’ at 12. The drinks were 3 for 10 euros so we each got a drink and just hung out by the bar. And as we hoped three guys came over to talk to us. Now we had been told by Lynn that to determine which guy would be a good guy to chat it up with we were told to ask which kind of tractor they drove. If they said a Lamborghini tractor that was the best and they would definitely buy you a drink. If they said a John Deere tractor they would probably buy you a drink and if they said anything less than that they would buy you the first drink but then expect to be repaid with a drink later. So of course I asked one of the three guys which kind of tractor he drove but unfortunately he said a Fergus tractor. I didn’t know what that was but he ended up buying us a drink and the other guy bought us a drink as well. Therefore we got two rounds of drinks out of it. We chatted with them a while but when the pub closed we left and were going to go straight to our hostel but we had to wait for Courtney who was still chatting it up with one of the guys, however when the police or garda arrived we left. The one guy was a little upset we didn’t go home with him but we were happy we got free drinks out of it! J
Day 3: This morning we woke up with a bit of a hangover, but luckily we started off our journey on the bus. We took a sleigheading drive around the Atlantic Ocean. Stopping along the way to take pictures of the beautiful mountains and beautiful water shots we could get. It was absolutely gorgeous and I fell in love with Ireland today. We drove around the Cliff’s which were crazy tight. We could barely fit the bus and another car on the road and we also went around the elbow which is basically a 90 degree turn with a drop directly next to it. We were told if we were scared of heights not to look out the window, almost everyone got up to go look and we got yelled at not to tip the bus over the edge! We went down to a beach and were told the legend that if you dip your feet in the ocean it will take a part of your soul with it and keep it safe. Then you must return to Ireland within the next 20 years to reclaim that part of your soul. So of course we dipped our feet in. It was feckin’ freezing! Within 30 secs. your feet were numb! But it was gorgeous with amazing waves and beautiful sand. We wrote our names in the sand and climbed some rocks. I didn’t want to leave! But we continued our drive. Then we got to see the Finn MacCool Island. We were told the tale of a giant named Finn MacCool who helped fight to keep Ireland safe. In doing so he sent his three beautiful daughters to help out a king fighting the battle. When the daughters emerged out of the sea the King thought they were sent by the enemy and began shooting arrows at them, but the daughter’s beauty was so great the arrows fell short. The King soon realized they had been sent by the giant. The daughters helped the reluctant King and ended up winning the battle; because of this the pagan’s partied for hundreds of years celebrating their victory. The losing king was thought to have left Ireland sulking but really he stayed around spying on the three daughters and the giant. One day the daughters realized they had been gone a long time and that maybe they should head back to their father who was sure to be mad at them. At the same time the giant realized his daughters had been gone a long time and was going to venture out to find out what was going on. As the three daughter sand the giant walked into the ocean the sun began to set and the three daughters and the giant decided to lay down in the water to watch it set first. As they did this the losing King cast a spell on them making it impossible for them ever to get up. They are bound to laying the sea forever. We saw the giant’s island that looks like a giant laying down in the sea and the three daughters islands that look the same. We also got to see the honey bee houses.... coincidently not for bees but for people to live in, the coolest part about it was that they didn't use and mortar, instead the rocks are placed together like a puzzle and they have withstood for thousands of years! Then we climbed a mountain to get a good view and nice pictures (this would be where my profile picture came from) and we also got to see a fairy house or a burial ground- no one knows which exactly- but either way you do not touch it. The fairies are considered sacred and if you mess with them, they will mess with you right back. They even go so far to uphold this that if there is a stand-alone tree in the middle of a field that doesn’t look like it belongs there it is a considered a fairy house and is never touched. After our sleighheading drive we made our way to a quaint little town called Dingle. On the way we each had to come up with one question each and then take a quiz and the person who got the most right got a prize. The reason for this was because we kept telling Lynn she was wrong (like when she said basking sharks were the biggest shark- we were looking for them on our sleighheading drive but didn’t see any) and she called us smart arses lol. My questions comes from dirty minds and is what is a four letter word that ends in unt and is something you call a woman….get your mind out of the gutter it is AUNT! But Rachel and I didn’t win, although we found out some really cool facts like the fact that Australia’s two national animals are their national animals because they can’t walk backwards- Kangaroo and Emu. The winning person of the quiz received a toy tractor! But back to Dingle. Dingle was my favourite town and I absolutely adored it and want to move there! One of the famous things in Dingle is a dolphin. This was so cute: a fisherman was out to sea one day and he met this dolphin who helped him catch fish by scaring the fish into the net, the next day the dolphin was back again, and this happened for many days. The fisherman grew to love this dolphin and named him Fungie. He decided to bring Fungie a mate and got a female dolphin in but Fungie wanted nothing to do with her. So the fisherman thought maybe Fungie swings the other way and brought a male dolphin in for Fungie, but Fungie wanted nothing to do with that dolphin either. The fisherman realized the dolphin liked the company of people over dolphins, and today you can go on a boat to see Fungie. Fungie is there so much that they say if you don't see him you get your money back! We didn’t go out to see Fungie but we did get a picture with his statue! We also got a picture of the store called the Craic house. This is funny because Craic in Irish means fun but obviously it doesn’t sound that way lol. Then we headed to Murphey’s ice cream store. This ice cream store is run by two guys from America who used to have high class business jobs but were not happy. So they decided to move to Dingle and open up their own ice cream store. This store is famous because of the flavours it sells including baileys, sea salt, brown bread, and even Guinness. Rachel and I ordered the baileys and raspberry sorbet ice cream which was really good. But we also tried the cookies and sea salt. After ice cream we ate lunch at a little restaurant called Chowder. Rachel got seafood chowder which was good and I got fish and chips as the fish was supposed to be amazing here and it was! After lunch we had to leave Dingle which was really sad because it is the best town ever and want to live there! This town was also cool because it keeps its Irish heritage by having every sign also in Irish and most people speak Irish here, however when they first started changing the signs they only had Irish on it and people were getting lost trying to find it so the town asked to have English put back on their signs, the government said no so the towns people went and made their own signs for dingle and put them on the Irish signs! However we had to leave and drive to Ennis where we were staying the night. We arrived in Ennis and went to our hostel the Rowan Tree hostel. This hostel was voted best hostel in 2009 and continued to live up to its high standard. The rooms were very nice including the bathrooms and we had an amazing view onto the river. The only bad part about that was the ducks quacking ALL NIGHT LONG! I could have killed them. We also were sleeping on prison mattresses which was actually really nice because they were really comfortable. We relaxed a bit when we got to the hostel then Rachel and I went into town to explore and eat dinner. We ate at Hillbilly’s Chicken and ate some American Southern chicken. It was kind of like KFC and it was pretty good. We then went back to our hostel to get ready to go to Cruises pub for the night as they had some Trad (traditional Irish music) music playing. When we got there a band was setting up while another smaller band was playing traditional music. We chatted a while with the other people on our tour and I ended up ordering a Guinness. I drank my first full glass (I couldn’t handle a pint) or beer and it was Guinness! It was actually pretty good and I think I’d drink it again. Then the other band started up which were playing some really good music and I really liked them but Rachel and I were pretty tired so we ended up going back to our hostel and trying to sleep with all the ducks quacking.
Day 4: HAPPY EASTER! We got up this morning and began our trek to the Cliffs of Moher and O’Brien Tower. This is where Harry Potter was filmed and where the Princess Bride was filmed and they were absolutely gorgeous even with the crappy weather we had at the time. We also went into the experience that tells you about the cliffs and shows you pictures. We got back on the bus and we drove through Lisdoonvarna where a famous song was written and we even got to sing along to the song. Then we took an ocean drive into Burun National Park and we even stopped to look at the beautiful rocks (the landscape changed dramatically) which were called Mother Earth’s stretch marks because all the rocks had cracks in it because these rocks were once buried under the water and the tectonic plates pushed them out. We continued on and saw the new species in Ireland called the greeps. This is combination of a giraffe and a sheep. We could barely see them because they were far away but they kind of look like llamas. We also got to see the hookers that hang out at the pier even on Easter Sunday….the boats called hookers….where did your mind go? Probably to where all of our minds went as we were told we could get a hooker for 20 euros an hour and we all thought that was pretty cheap and we all were looking for girls standing out in slutty clothes and only found green bottomed boats lol. We got to see the largest thatched roof on a house which was a pub and a whole lot of bikers with police escorts. The only trouble we ran into was another bus in the other lane (now remember you can barely fit a car next to a bus on these roads so imagine a bus next to a bus) the other bus only had one car behind it and behind that was a place to pull over. We had like 7 cars behind us with a mile before we found a place to pull over. However, we had to be the ones to move because the other bus was being dumb. So one of the guys on our tour got out and helped us direct traffic so the bus could pass. We finally made it to our stop for lunch which was in the town of Galway. We walked around a bit and then found a Chinese restaurant to eat at. We even had the restaurant to ourselves and we got to eat garlic chicken with butter and fried rice for only 5 euros. It was really good. Then we did some shopping. I bought an Irish wedding ring that has a heart with two hands holding it and a crown about it and then mine has the trinity around it. It is really pretty. The heart is pointing out because I am single. We also took pictures of the Church where Christopher Columbus once was. After lunch we got back on the bus and travelled a while stopping in Enfield for a potty break. Then we continued on to Dublin. We got a surprise on the bus Lynn, our tour guide, had bought us chocolate bunnies for Easter. She said, “I don’t believe in much, but I do believe in chocolate.” She also informed us that this was her first ever tour. We got back into Dublin and Rachel and I bought a shirt from the Shamrockers tour that says Ireland 2011 on the back and great craic at the bottom. After getting our shirts we said our goodbyes and went to get pizza at Café Dame again. This time though it wasn’t the greatest adventure as I had to re-organize my bag to make it airport safe (basically throwing out my contact solution I had just bought) and I ended up cutting my finger on my razor. OUCH! We headed to Costa coffee where I cleaned up my finger and got coffee then we ran to the bus to go back to the airport. We got on our plane and headed back to the UK. Once there we found a simpler route home than last time, considering it was almost midnight. We got a bus to Stratford then a bus to Romford then a bus home. We finally got home and I skyped my mommy for a bit before bed.

Until next time,

Wednesday 20 April 2011

St. Paul here we come!

April 19, 2011

Today we decided to go into London to sightsee. We didn’t want to spend money so we focused on free things. We decided to start at Tate Modern as it was close to our next destination. We crossed over the Millennium Bridge, pausing only once to take a picture of my wonderful bridge that I haven’t seen in forever. Once at the museum we realized the only two free things were two floors. So we started on Floor number 2 and soon realized modern art….sucks. It’s not really art and not sure how it can be called art. A mirror on the wall to me is not art. It is a mirror on the wall. Trees are nature…not art. Half of the items in the entire museum could have been done by the 5 year old kids in my classroom. It was a little bit ridiculous. We headed to Floor number 4 and realized it wasn’t any better. Despite the really cool names for the rooms, they were all really lame. I took a few pictures, however we were done with the museum in about an hour. After that we sat outside and ate our lunch. The cool thing about the museum was that next to it was a really cool patch of grass and trees to hang out in and eat. So that is where we ate our lunch. Afterwards we headed back over Millennium Bridge to St. Pauls Cathedral. It was huge! We walked inside and it was gorgeous. It was really cool because we got a free audio guide that told us all about the church. It explained how each part was made by Christopher Wren and that coolest part was the church was a lot bigger on the outside than the inside because he built a dome on the inside then a cone over it with a dome over that on the outside to make it visible to all outside. We walked through the entire bottom part of the church listening to the audio guide. We were told that Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech in the church when receiving his noble peace prize. We were also told that this was the church where Princess Diana was married. Very cool. Then we headed down to the crypt where the most people are buried in all the crypts in the UK, including Christopher Wren. After we were finished with the audio guide and had bought our souvenirs we decided to climb the stairs to the galleries. The first gallery was the Whispering Gallery (no idea why it was named that). That gallery was 257 steps and it was a ring around the inside of the church so that people could look down on the Nave. After standing on opposite sides whispering to each other to see if we could be heard (we couldn’t) we decided to continue up. We went to the next gallery called the Stone Gallery. This one being outside with pillars so it was hard to see, however it was really cool to look down and out. This one was 376 steps. We waited in the line to walk up to the final gallery. When it was our turn we climbed up the spiral staircase making our way to the Golden gallery, also outside but this time with a low fence so it was easy to see over it. This gallery was 528 steps. From this part of the gallery we could see the London Eye and Tower Bridge. It was really cool to be up so high and to have accomplished it by walking all the way up. After that we had to begin the decent down the narrow stairs. All 528 we walked back down...this time our legs shaking if we paused for a minute. We ended up sitting down for a bit afterwards to give our legs a break. After regaining control over our legs we ventured into Piccadilly Circus in search of the Royal wedding shot glasses. I was getting them for people at home. We found them and then decided to head home as it had been a tiring day. Oh the joys of sightseeing in London. The museum was a disappointment; however St. Pauls was beautiful and very cool to look at. I really enjoyed it.
Until next time,

Monday 18 April 2011

Hello Sunshine, Beaches, Paella, Sangria, and Siesta’s

 April 11-15, 2011

As most of you know Rachel and I went to Spain for the first week of our amazing two and a half week holiday.
Day 1: We left on Monday and arrived in Ibiza, in San Antoni do Portmay (an island off the coast of Spain). Once there we took a taxi to our hotel the Marco Polo Hotel. Which we loved considering Rachel and I use the marco polo game to find each other in stores and what not lol. The first room we were given was room 227 which was located in the second building of the hotel. When we got up to our room (which I thought would be a good room because 27 is one of my lucky numbers) we realized there was someone doing work in the room fixing a door. We went back to the lobby and were given a new room. This time room 315 (which Rachel liked because it is here area code back at home) which was located in the main building. We got to our room which had a tv, dressers, two double beds, a bathroom with shower, and even a bidet (low-mounted plumbing fixture or type of sink intended for washing the genitalia, inner buttocks, and anus- according to Wikipedia J )  And even a balcony! We decided to look around the shops that were located just down the road from our hotel. We were walking around taking pictures and looking in all the shops when we found the love of my life. It was love at first sight and I have no idea how I left it behind. A cherries shop!!!!!!! (a.k.a a Pacha shop) Everything in it had cherries on it. I didn’t know how I was only going to buy one thing from there so I ended up leaving and going back another day. Too much overload of excitement for cherries to buy anything that day. A lot of the shops/clubs were closed because it was off season for the town. Which worked out for us because it meant less people (especially less drunk people) and a quieter time at night (although not always). We found a restaurant Koppas and ate dinner there. We ended up eating tapas ( the name of a wide variety of appetizers, orsnacks, in Spanish cuisine. They may be cold (such as mixed olives and cheese) or warm (such as chopitos, which are battered, fried baby squid).) Ours consisted of mushrooms, sausage, meat, and chick peas. I ordered the breaded chicken with vegetables and a bottle of wine. It was really yummy. After dinner we went to the supermarket to buy lunch foods like bread, peanut butter and jelly, and of course more wine J Then we walked to the pier to watch the sunset. It was gorgeous. The water was so pretty, two different shades of blue then the sun setting in the background. We also found a place we wanted to explore the next day. It wrapped around the beach. We took some pictures on the pier then walked back to our hotel. We ended up drinking wine out of Dixie cups (after we eventually got the wine opened as at first we didn’t have a corkscrew then we couldn’t get the bottle uncorked!) and playing cards out on the balcony, while deciding whether the people down below were going out to party or not. We listened to music and had a really good time.
Day 2: This morning we attempted to sleep in and really felt like we had, when in reality we woke up at 8:00 am. We were also spooning as Rachel was freezing the night before and wanted to cuddle J We decided to dress warmer as it seemed a little chilly and we walked towards the beach. We ended up stopping and eating breakfast at S’avaradero. I had scrambled eggs with toast. It was really good. We people watched as we ate outside and starting playing little games. We counted the number of shirtless men we saw (as it was definitely not warm enough to be shirtless unless you were on the beach,) we counted the number of murses we saw (yes I said it, murses. Apparently a big thing over here is for men to carry purses), and we also determined whether people we saw were British or not (surprisingly there were a lot of people who were British). After breakfast we walked to the beach. We did the walk we found yesterday. On the way there was a little cove with a little beach that we would have stopped at if it had not been for naked old people being on the beach. We decided to keep going. We walked on rocks and the docks and took lots of pictures. We found another beach, a bigger beach. And I walked on the sand (not realizing the part I was walking on was like quick sand and I ended up losing my flip flop and having to go back and get it!). It started getting hotter out and we wanted to sunbath on the beach so we walked back to our hotel. We stopped along the way to get some souvenirs. I also got my cherries towel!!!! That was the item I decided to buy. I really wanted a jacket with cut off sleeves that was really cute but super expensive. So I went with the towel as I do not have a cherries towel. We changed into our bathing suits and went back to the beach and layed out in the sun reading/ listening to music/ watching stupid girls act like porn stars taking pictures. Again there were also topless women however this time not super old. We went in the sea a little bit and wrote our names in the sand. It was very relaxing. Despite this we ended up going back to our hotel to take a siesta ( a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal.) It was very nice. When we woke up is when we realized what had occurred during our afternoon of sunbathing and little preparation…major sunburn. We had attempted to put sunscreen on, although obviously not doing a very good job as the entire back of us was beat red and my front was a little red. I also had the pleasure of a white T down my back because of the way my bathing suit was tied. At first it was a little funny as we looked ridiculous, but we soon learned this was no laughing matter. It was soooo painful. It felt like razor blades on your legs and after laying down for a while trying to stand was like having your legs waking up after being asleep for days as the skin stretched to allow you to walk. Rachel bought some soothing spray that helped a little bit, but nothing but time would help this sunburn to feel better. After our nap we went out to dinner after the challenge of trying to put jeans on which were my only pair of full length pants as the inside of my knees (renamed knee pits by me) were burning every time I walked. We bought some wine at the store (hoping if we got drunk we wouldn’t feel our sunburns) then went to La Catina for dinner. I ordered the ribs with bbq sauce, coleslaw, and chips (a.k.a. fries) and a sex on the beach. Yum! It was a little cold out as we were again eating outside, so we froze a little bit but the food was good. Also next door was a Ben and Jerry’s and today was free ice cream day! So we got our free ice cream. I got chocolate macadamia. Really good! We went back to the hotel to lie in bed and get on facebook while watching Spiderman in Spanish. We decided to make up our own words to fit the characters when they spoke in Spanish which was pretty funny. We played trivial pursuit and went to bed. We decided against drinking and ‘partying’ as our sunburns hurt way too much. And for those of you wondering, the final count for the day was 31 murses and 10 no shirts!
Day 3:Needless to say, even after putting the soothing spray on ourselves throughout the night, we woke up in immense pain. However, we did not want this to ruin our vacation. We did stay in bed for a while though. We kept waking up and trying to go back to sleep; although there were not many ways you could sleep when your whole body hurt to lay on it. We ended up playing cards in bed trying to get the energy to move. We finally got up and bought some real aloe and showered (which surprisingly felt good as long as the water was somewhat cold). Then we got dressed in our bathing suits which was the best thing we could wear as those didn’t hurt us. We started to leave (mind you we had to walk down three flights of stairs….when I realized just how evil stairs can be when you have burnt your legs/knee pits!) We walked to Stephans restaurant and again sat outside (this time in the shade) and ordered Mixed Seafood Paella (There are three widely known types of paella: Valencian paella (Spanish: paella valenciana), seafood paella (Spanish: paella de marisco) and mixed paella (Spanish:paella mixta), but there are many others as well. Valencian paella consists of white rice, green vegetables, meat (rabbit, chicken, duck), land snails, beans and seasoning. Seafood paella replaces meat and snails with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables. Mixed paella is a free-style combination of meat, seafood, vegetables and sometimes beans. Most paella chefs use calasparra[2][3] or bomba[3]rices for this dish. Other key ingredients include saffron and olive oil.)  and sangria and olives as an appetizer. Let me just say that this dish was absolutely amazing. My new favourite food! It was so delicious even though it was a little hard to eat as we had to peel the head and legs off of our crawfish. But it was soooo good. After our amazing meal we walked to the small cove we found the day before (hoping this time there were no naked people) and found a shady spot to lie in. This time the naked people came after we were there and they weren’t old. We went in the water a little bit, then would go read our books. Rachel was brave enough to actually swim in the sea. Bad idea as it was freezing! The water did feel good on our sunburns though so we would occasionally walk in a little ways. There were two guys sitting on the beach speaking Spanish so I ignored them, then I hear one of them call Miss to me. So I looked over and they wanted me to take their picture for them. So I did and then the guy asked if I spoke English and I said yes and he got so excited he wanted to take a picture of me with his friend. So I did. Another instance of feeling like a celebrity because I am American and can speak English! J After a while we went back to the hotel and took a siesta J Then we got ready and were going to go to the store to get some wine when we spotted a pizza place. We decided we would eat pizza for dinner instead of the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we had intended on eating. We ate at Sa Clau and had pizza with mushrooms, peppers, artichokes, and ham. It was delicious. Then we went to the store and bought snacks and wine. On our way back to the hotel we decided to walk down the pier by the beach and found a few clubs. They weren’t very busy and most of the people in them were old. We took some pictures of the water at night and walked a ways down just talking and listening to the water. It was really nice. Rachel also took a sweet picture of my shoe which is now my facebook picture if you are curious. Then we went back to the hotel and drank our wine, ate our snacks, listened to music, and played cards. We then watched a Spanish dancing show to put us to sleep. Another great day/night in Spain.
Day 4: Today we slept in then got ready and walked to the big beach and layed on the sand. This is a new beach that you can walk along to the clubs and everything. It is really cool because it is really shallow and you can walk really far out and not have the water even go past your knees. We tanned (sort of as we were already burnt) and then we went to a restaurant that had just opened the day before called Villa Mercedes. We got a three course meal which was awesome. I had mushroom risotto with asparagus for my starter. Best part of the meal. Then for my main course I had grilled sea bass with vegetables (by vegetables they really mean two little tomatoes on the side with a portion of an onion) and then for dessert I had dark chocolate mousse with coconut on top which was pretty good. After lunch we went back to the hotel but instead of taking a siesta we went out by the pool and layed on the chairs by the pool occasionally dipping our feet in and tanned and read our books. It was very nice. There was shade and sun so we could alternate so we didn’t burn again! Of course after this we went back to our room for a siesta. We always managed to get our siesta in we just usually had it later than the normal time lol. After our nap we changed and went into town to buy wine and walk around for the last night we could. Then we went back to our room to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and drink wine. Classy, I know. We also played cards and listened to music. Halfway through this we decided we were hungry and decided to go the little café across the street. We got hot dogs with chips (French fries) which were amazingly good and some popcorn to take back with us. We were a little tipsy at this point. Before we left I took my ipod and speakers out of the desk drawer explaining that if it rained while we were gone they would be okay. Once we got to the café I then realized that I had left my camera in that exact same desk drawer therefore, if it did rain my camera would be ruined….but not my ipod! After our littler excursion we finished the wine and popcorn and went to bed.
Day 5: Today we actually had to set an alarm to get up. This was very sad. We got up and left our hotel at 9 am. Then we went to the beach to lay out in the semi sun (as this was the one day it was cloudy) and read. Then we decided to eat breakfast because of course I was hungry. I had eggs, toast, and beans. Then we went back to the beach to enjoy the last few rays of sun we could before heading to the airport. We finally got to use the taxi line though as that was our ride to the airport. Once there we had to wait forever! We finally got on our plane and got back to the UK. Then we had to take a bus into London (mind you we live only about 25 minutes by car from the airport but neither one of us has a car) then a train back out of London, then another bus to our place. We left the airport at about 7:30 and didn’t get home until almost 9:30. Again we only live 20 minutes away. Ridiculous! However it was cheaper. And as Rachel put it though we were ‘homeless’ for about 12 hours that day. We finally made it home and went right to bed as soon as we got home. Overall it was a great, relaxing, beautiful vacation!

And now for the differences between the UK and Spain:
·         The biggest and bestest reason: They drive on the RIGHT side of the ROAD!!!!
·         The second biggest and bestest reason: They have STREET SIGNS including a STOP SIGN
·         They have huge houses and they are made of many different interesting things.
·         They have LOTS of TREES!!!! And Mountains!!!
·         And the funniest reason: They have a bidet in their bathrooms hehe
·         They are also really polite to you and care about talking to a tourist.

Until next time,


Sunday 3 April 2011

Dogs and Universities…what a weekend.

March 25, 26, 2011

So this weekend began with venturing to the Romford Stadium to see the greyhound dog races. We weren’t 100% sure how to get there but we had five people and some directions so we decided to give it a go. However, when we got into Romford and started walking we couldn’t find it. We ended up in a residential area. We decided to turn around and go the other way. There were big lights in this huge field that we assumed was the stadium. We walked for like 20 minutes then called Jody (a.k.a. Malcom) to figure out why we weren’t there. He explained we had to look for the big blue sign saying Coral and that we had to turn around. So we turned around and caught the bus back as we realized it was all the way back where we started. We were about to get off the bus when I saw the sign we had been looking for. It was literally 10 feet from where we got off the bus the first time. However we were all looking for a huge sign. This was not a huge sign. It was a tiny sign with white letters spelling Coral with a blue trim. Very hard to see if that’s not what you are expecting. Luckily, we finally made it (losing two people along the way because they were annoyed with getting lost) and we got our free drink/ one pound bet. Rachel and I looked through the pamphlet to decide which dog to place our bet on. I decided to go with the dog with the best name. I didn’t even look at its’ stats. I picked Belief; since it reminded me of my tattoo.  Both my dog and Rachel’s dog lost in their races. However, we definitely enjoyed cheering our dogs on. We ended up staying until the last race even though we weren’t placing any more bets. It was fun to pick a dog with the best name and cheer for it. The races go by so fast! It was hard to even take a picture they run so fast. And it’s really funny because they chase this moving toy! I didn’t like watching them being put into the cages though, especially since the dogs didn’t want to go into them. But they weren’t in them very long. It was also funny to watch Jody getting hit on by this guy who kept asking Jody for his recommendations for the bets and he would always take Jody’s advice and win. He kept trying to buy Jody a drink and ended up buying him one at the end of the night. It was also funny when Jody told the guy his name was Malcom haha. Reminded me of when I told the guy in Scotland I was Amanda. J When the races were over Rachel, Jen and I made our way home. No thanks to Jody who took up space in Auntie Liz and Uncle Jim’s car so we couldn’t fit! We got on the bus and made our way back to Romford then attempted to get on a bus there. However, they had closed the two most common bus stops and it took us forever to figure out where the other one was. The funny part was on the bus back to Romford there were these two girls (obviously Romford girls as they had a fake tan (we debated over this on the bus ride) and basically no clothes on with alcohol in their hands. However they were hilarious because they LOVED that we were American and from New York. They thought that was the coolest thing in the world. We were called celebrity’s asked to have our picture taken and also wanted us to autograph their arms haha. Don’t worry we didn’t do it haha. On our walk to find the bus stop we ran into the girls again lol. What an adventure. We finally found one that was open and we eventually got back home. Then I got ready for bed and for a big day in Oxford on Saturday.
The Journey to Oxford begins. Saturday morning after waking up and getting everything ready for our trip, Rachel, Kat, and I began our journey to Oxford. This simple journey that should have taken us one tube and one coach (not a bus as I was informed) was completely screwed up with engineering works on the tube. Therefore, our one tube ride turned into 4! We got off the tube at Bank and had to literally run to Monument then we still had about 6 stops to go before our stop and it was almost 11:30. Our coach left at 11:50 and we were supposed to be there 20 minutes early! We were thinking we weren’t going to make it when we heard that a station was closed because of the protesting and the police evacuated the station. So we finally got to Victoria station and then of course it took us forever to find our actual coach because Victoria station is so big and so complicated. We saw some buses that said London to Oxford on the side and asked if that was our bus and turns out it was! We made it! Then we got to relax on the bus ride to Oxford. Once we got there we decided to go on a walking tour led by the best tour guide ever….ME! In the book given to me by my wife Molly, there was a walking tour we could follow. So we did that, looking at all the different universities….and boy were there tons!, the gardens, and the museums. We walked past the botanical gardens and through the sweet maze then I read in the book that the gardens were not to be missed. So we went to check them out and saw that they cost a lot of money to get into. We could however look over the hedges to see the gardens…and take a picture of the garden for free! We then made our way to the science museum which was free to get into and we looked around in there for a bit. That is however how we strayed away from my map and got us a little bit lost. I even tried getting into my map like Joey, but it just didn’t work! We finally found our way back onto the red dotted line and continued the rest of the walking tour. After the tour we decided to go to a pub for some food. We hung out eating and drinking for a while. It was really nice to relax and be in good company. After dinner  we went to get our souvenirs and some ice cream before heading back home. We got on the coach and decided when we got back to go home instead of going out like we had planned. On our way back we saw two very bad accidents which wasn’t good. But luckily they were on the other side of the road so they didn’t interfere with our traffic. We finally made it back home and went to bed.

Overall, it was a great weekend!

 Until next time,