Wednesday 12 January 2011

Quotes From Scotland:

January 1,2,3,4

During the course of this trip, many laughs were had. Not only was the company that I was in greatly amusing but the people we met along the way. Therefore, halfway through the trip I decided to keep track of the memorable quotes that occurred along the way. Unfortunately some of them you had to be there for and some will not make sense, however they were greatly hysterical at the time. Therefore, here they are:

Tiffany (after getting off the night bus)- “I feel like I was drugged.” Me- “You were drugged!” (she took Nyquil).

Tiffany (after spending over an hour in the Whisky distillery) says to the bartender at the pub: “A pint of whisky please.” In response he gave her a weird look and she finally corrected herself: “I mean a pint of Guinness.”

(This one needs some background knowledge. I was asked by Velvet Boy if I had ever lied to a guy at a pub and said a fake name, since both Tiffany and Jen had and he thought it was wrong. I said no, but that I still had time to do it. His friend walked over and said)- “Hello, what is your name?  Me- “Amanda” (At this point Velvet boy was so upset he walked away).

Tiffany to Jen- “This is Caleb from Calgary.” Jen- “I have no idea what that means.”

Tiffany to the gorgeous bartender- “Excuse me, you’re beautiful, I just thought you should know that.”

Tiffany (anytime during the trip she felt like it)- “PARTY!!!”

Tiffany (serenading us in the morning)- “GOOOODD Morning!” Me- “It’s only 9:55 I still have 5 minutes left!”

Tiffany (after a rough night drinking)- “Woah, those walls come out of nowhere” (as she bumps into one).

Our Tour Guide on the walking tour- “….and that is the meaning of Shit faced!” (see other blog for definition).

Jen (walking back to our hostel after seeing a Scottish guy playing bag pipes)- “I need to marry a Scottish guy so I can have bag pipes at my wedding.”  Tiffany- “You don’t need to marry a Scottish guy, just have bag pipes at your wedding.”

Tiffany (in the castle while we were walking behind some really annoying Indian guys)- “We need to either walk really slow or really fast.” (5 minutes later) “I want to slit my wrists right now…..a butter knife would even do”

Me to Velvet Boy- “If you snore I’m going to go down there and punch you.”

Tiffany to Velvet Boy- “The mouth guards in…leave me alone.”

Tiffany to some random guy at the pub- “Did you just pet me?”

Tiffany to Me- “How do you spell pilot….p-i-o-l-o-t?” (and yes she is a teacher)

Me- “Um….those are my pants?”    “What?”   Me- “You are wearing my pants!”

Mr. Haggis to Jen (sort of whispering)- “Are they all asleep?”  All of us (not whispering)- “NO!”

Mr. Haggis- “Listen to my voice” (after he had been screaming all night at the party)

Me to my Scottish guy a.k.a. Lips- “I can only understand 1/4th of what you are saying so I’m just going to smile and nod.”

Our awesome tour guide for the highlands a.k.a. Hotrod (because he loves cars) said to our entire bus- “You rock my life.”

Hotrod (after visiting the highland cow)- “Ay the helian cue has herpes.”

Tiffany (at the pub one night)- “I just can’t stop sneezing, I honestly think that’s what I do when I’m tired.”  Me- “Ha, that’s funny.”

Girl from the quiz- “What is your kilts special talent?” Me- “It has nice lips but I’m not telling you where they are.” (our team name was DSL)

Me to Tiffany- “You can come visit me in California.” Tiffany- “Only if you live in San Francisco because I want to go to Al Catraz.”

Hotrod to the entire bus- “Tell me if the bus is too hot or too cold because I don’t want you to suffer that would be ridiculous and then I couldn’t respect you and if I can’t respect you then how can I hit on you later and sleep with you?”

Hotrod to the bus- “Sky is a geologists wet dream.”

Hotrod to the bus- “It’s like a giant butt plugged peninsula.”

Me- “It’s snowing.” Tiffany- “Where?”

Hotrod- “Wavity. Take it in, soak it up, just like the highlands have to, they can’t help how sexy they are.”

Me to Tiffany- “It’s like a sleeping bag?” (referring to the sheet that is sewn at the bottom making it easier for the cleaners)
Tiffany to hotrod- “You should look up the magic school bus since I feel like we are on that bus.”

Caleb (from the stairs above Tiffany)- “Tiffany!” Tiffany- “God is that you?”

Tiffany to Jen- “Did you just kiss the mirror?” Jen- “Oh, did I?”

Tiffany to some guys at the pub- “I want to wrap my legs around you and hump you on the table.” (to be fair what she really said was I see you took our table and they heard her wrong).

Tiffany- “I almost made eye contact with the pregnant man, that would have been tragic.”

Me- “If you don’t give me my phone back I’m going to bed.” Alex- “You can’t go anywhere you tight ass bitch.” (To which point my nickname became tight ass).

Tiffany to Hotrod- “I just found DSL in the bathroom.” Hotrod- “Awesome, whose the lucky bloke?”

Me- “Oh wait, I can plug my nose because I do it when I laugh while I am drinking.” (I told her I couldn’t plug my nose so I wasn’t sure if I could dip my face in the river).

Hotrod to the bus- “I’m moving ahead so we don’t get stuck behind their gay bus.”

Hotrod- “People who litter should be shot in the face.”

Tiffany- “I’m coming in tight ass.” Me- “So gross. Did you hear what you just said?”

Tiffany- “I’m never washing my face again.” (After Hotrod kissed it!)

Well I hope you enjoyed our quotes as much as we did. Although I’m sure you didn’t since some of them you had to be there for. However, take them as you wish.

Until next time,


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