Sunday 26 January 2014

New Years in Berlin

December 28, 2013 to January 3, 2014

28th- Today we began our New Years Eve adventure by getting up early to drive to Berlin and meet up with Ashley and Vicky at our hostel. We parked our car and then walked to Brandenburg Gate. We decided to eat lunch at a bakery near the gate then used the toilet across the street. This is where our adventure truly began, as you had to pay to use the toilet and there was a machine that you paid into. Well we had the advantage of letting Ashley go first through the German machine which was really confusing, I do have to admit. However, Ashley could not figure out how to use the machine and got stuck not being able to go through the turnstile. So I suggested that she go under as she had already paid, it just wouldn’t let her through. Well as she went under a woman in a uniform came out of the bathroom just in time to see Ashley going under. Ashley, thinking she worked there held up her ticket and said ‘I paid! Look!’ Which was absolutely hilarious as the woman just looked at Ashley and we all burst into laughter as the woman clearly didn’t work there she was just using the toilet. So after our little experience, we headed out to join the walking tour group. As we were waiting for the tour to start Ashley was looking at her ticket which said to present the ticket to cash. So we nicknamed our mystery woman cash. This information is useful later on…keep an eye out. So we waited for our tour to start and were lucky enough to get the only German tour guide- Francesca. So we began our tour by standing in Pariser Platz which is like the one in Paris and once housed all the government buildings which were bombed in the war and now has Embassy’s near it (including the American Embassy) and finally the gate. Looking at the Gate we saw all the preparations going on for the New Years Eve celebration. The Brandenburg Gate or Bradenburger Tor is the last surviving gate of the 14 gates in Berlin’s old city wall. The horse chariot statue at the top was once taken by Napolean to the Louvre but returned at a later date with a new name of Goddess of Victory. After the gate we went behind it to take a look at where the wall once stood, now only small bricks on the road. And then onto the Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe. It has 2,711 gravestone-like pillars and is a controversial topic in Germany because it focuses only on the Jews, however there are promises to make other memorials for the other victims. This memorial is a maze of pillars with an up and down, wavy brick path in-between. The pillars vary in height and size and the meaning is entirely up to the individual. It was a very powerful place and is only describable to those who have been. After taking time to walk through we then began our walk to Hilter’s Bunker. His bunker is now under a parking lot beside some apartment buildings. All of the Nazi bunkers in Germany have been closed off as a way of preventing shrines or places for Nazi meetings to take place. Then we moved onto the German Finance Ministry where the Tom Cruise movie Valkyrie was filmed. This used to be the head-quarters of the Nazi’s Air Force and was the only government building to survive the bombs. Now it is the German Tax office. Next we walked to take a look at a surviving piece of the wall. Then we took a small break before having a quick look at Checkpoint Charlie which was the US checkpoint most famous for the most foreigners to cross here. We then continued onto the city centre which used to be the most popular part of town with its clubs, restaurants and of course hookers. Although now it is just like any other street in Berlin. However, this was eventful for us because this is where we saw the toilet woman (nicknamed Cash) who works as a bike driver with a carriage. This was very funny as we insisted that Ashley present her ticket now lol. Next we walked past the French and German church with the concert hall in-between. The German government build the French church so that services could be held in French and bring culture to Berlin. The Germans complained that they wanted a church so an almost identical one was built, attempting to make them the same height, although due to construction problems the German church is now slightly taller. In between is the concert hall (which was housing a Christmas market) and also has a disco ball hanging out in front of it! We then walked to Bebelplatz which has Humboldt University where Einstein used to teach. It also has the German Sate Opera which was bombed and rebuilt, as well as St. Hedwig’s Church for the Catholics. And finally the most attracted spot- the memorial to the Nazi book burning which took place in the square in 1933. There is a glass window with empty bookshelves underneath to symbolize the 20,000 books that were burned here for being controversial during the War. There is a plaque that has Heinrich Heine’s 1820 quote: ‘Where they burn books, at the end they also burn people.’ A predicted event and also a place where his works were later burned. This was our final stop on our tour so we said goodbye and went back to our hostel to check in and change. Then we took the train to Alexanderplatz. This was the pride and joy of East Berlin with its department stores and train stations. It also has the World Time Clock which has the time for each part of the world as it rotates. It is very cool. It also has lots of shops which is why we stopped there so Ashley could find some shoes to wear. Then we took the train to Potsdamerplatz which is called the Times Square of Berlin and one of the busiest squares. It used to be cut in half by the wall and was left deserted for 40 years. Now it houses many trendy restaurants and businesses, maybe one of the most famous is the Sony Center, which is exactly where we decided to go. We ate at Jousty bar which is a restaurant near the fountain under the multi-colored floodlights. We drank Berlin’s famous green and red beer and I ate amazing meatballs! Then we randomly saw an ice show near the fountain with a princess lady lol. Then we went to the Christmas Market and saw an amazing Christmas tree covered in multi-colored Christmas ornaments. After having fun taking pictures there we went back to our hostel and drank a drink in the hostel bar, which was quite expensive so we only had one and then went to bed. Well actually we talked in our room before bed and got yelled at twice by the ‘security’ lol.
29th- Today we got up early and got ready then walked to the Brandenburg Gate. On the way we walked through the Art Market so that Heavens and Vicky could get some art, but they weren’t quite ready yet so we went and took pictures of some of the museums and the Dome- Berlin Cathedral while we waited. Then we got the art work and headed to the Gate. On the way we found Berlin Story book store to buy some books then went to Starbucks and ate breakfast with a wonderful view of the Gate. Next we got some doughnuts at Dunkin’ Doughnuts and then back to the toilets with another great experience…Ashley and Vicky saw Luigi!!!! He gave them a hug!! Lol. Then we walked to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. We wanted to take some pictures. Then we took the train to the East Side Gallery. This is the biggest remaining part of the Wall and the world’s largest outdoor art gallery. It is a mile long and covered with paintings. Every so often the walls are painted white so that the artists can create something new. Most of the works of art we saw were from 2009. This was my favorite part of Berlin. I loved walking the length of the wall and looking at all the artwork…I would say I loved it the most but Vicky took a picture of every single piece of artwork so I’d have to say she loved it most. Once finished we looked in the souvenir shop and took some cool pictures then walked under the bridge to the train station. On the way we saw the giant three men statue in the river which we later found out poked fun at the Cold War by the men doing rock, paper, scissors. Then we saw a half-naked woman in the park getting her picture taken lol. Next we took the train to Checkpoint Charlie which was the area where the foreingers would pass from the East to the West. This was an American checkpoint named after its position and there are two actors playing guards that take pictures for money. We however, just took pictures from far away lol. The annoying thing though is that it is in the middle of the street which is difficult, especially with crazy German drivers. Then we got some food at Snackpoint Charlie lol where a creepy guy flirted with me and dissed Ashley. Next we went to the Topography of Terrors which is behind part of the wall. This marks the command center of Hitler’s Gestapo and SS and because of the horrible things that happened there this will always be left as rubble. The only thing built here was the museum that documents the story of Hitler and his reign. It was very, very long and the hanging signs that swayed with lots of not so nice information eventually made it so Ashley and I needed to sit down. It was very intense with lots of information that was not very nice but it was definitely something everyone should do when visiting Berlin. After we were done reading all the information we went back to our hostel to relax before dinner. Then we took the train back to Postdamerplatz and looked at the Christmas market then headed back to the Sony Center to have dinner at the Bavarin Lindenbrau beer hall. There we had our colored beer again and then dinner before trying to find a ATM, although winding up using the one across the street from our hostel next to the prostitutes lol. Then to our hostel for bed.
30th- Today we got up early for breakfast, we walked to the Gate and ate at dunkin doughnuts then walked to the Reichstag Building. The Reichstag Building almost burnt down during the war and was eventually take by Stalin and nowadays symbolizes the end of the War. It has a glass cupola with a 360 degree view and 360 mirrors and is lit from the inside at night. Directly next to the building is the Memorial to the Politicians who Opposed Hitler and is a row of slate slabs in the ground with the names of the 96 murdered by Hitler because they stood up against him. After taking pictures we walked to Victory Column, along the Strasse des 17 Juni which is where the New Years Eve celebration was held. Therefore there were lots of tents and people setting up getting ready for the celebration. We walked down the long street to Victory Column which is in the Tiergarten and was built to commemorate the Prussian defeat of Denmark and then again symbolized the defeat of France. It is decorated with French cannons. It used to stand at the Reichstag but was moved and lengthened by Hitler. There are chipped pieces of marble from bullets and is famous for President Obama’s 2008 presidential election campaign. We climbed the 258 steps to get to the top of the tower and saw the statue goddess Victoria as well as the amazing view. Then we went down, took some pictures and walked back through the set-up area. We then met up for the Alternative Tour. But first another epic trip to the bathroom where this time we saw Mario, who was not as nice as Luigi and just walked on by us! And then a little hold up where we couldn’t get into the toilets because they were cleaning them. Next our tour began and our first stop was to a street art corridor with Little Lucy art-work which plays off a little girl and her cat. However, this artwork depicts Little Lucy killing her cat. Then we went by the East Side Gallery and attempted to go to an old abandoned Ice Factory but for the first time the cops were there and technically it is illegal to go inside so we decided to bypass that. We then looked at a Squat which will be closed in 2038. The have their own electricity and everything. Then we saw a ‘tree house’ which was built in between the East and West and the man that lives there grows his own vegetables in his garden. He was almost evicted except that the church that is next to him decided that technically it was their land and they wanted him to stay. He later let his brother move in and share his garden although they got into a huge fight and now do not speak, although still share the garden, now with a fence down the middle. Then we went to an old hospital that the government wanted to tear down, but the people got together and each put in money to own a share of this building and now it is a music and art building owned by the people. Next we travelled to Kreuzburg which is the largest Turkish city apart from Turkey. We stopped at a burger joint then continued the tour by looking at the world’s largest outdoor stencil which was done by sponge painting. And it is of a space man. The car sales place across the street used to point its light at a pole so that it looked like the space man was holding a flag but had to replace the light and it is just off now. Then we travelled to a freaky little town with more street art and lots of clubs. This was the end of the tour so we headed back to our hostel to get ready for dinner. We decided to stay on Oranienburger Strasse with the prostitutes- prostitution is decriminalized although debateable about taxation and not paying taxes- and ate at a pub down the street call Aufsturz where we ate some nachos, traditional German food- sausages and sauerkraut with potatoes, and drank some more Berliner Weisse- colored beer. Then we got ourselves ready to go on the pub crawl which began across the street. We met up with the tour guides and had to wait in line. While waiting we chatted with other people on the tour about the prostitutes and about the random truck that drove by where the back was converted into a bed! Lol. Then we began our crawl at the bar directly next to the prostitute’s headquarters- Bar Silberfisch, which had silver fish imbedded into the ceiling. Here we got a free shot and a beer, which also came with a free shot. Then we quickly left and went to Die Party Bar which translates to The Party Bar where we got a free shot and again a free shot with our drinks. Here we got a triple shot drink for only a 5er. We met a NZ guy with giant hands who we invited to continue the tour with us as he wasn’t on it and we never saw him again lol. We also watched stripey jumper guy hit on girls and found it funny. Next we walked to the Central Club Berlin where we again got a free shot and a drink with a free shot. Here we met a man from Brazil who had our Amsterdam pub crawl t-shirt on which was cool. Heavens also got to know Andrew- aka stripey jumper guy and he decided to kiss me and Heavens lol because of all her advice. We got a couple Rabbits pictures and Heavens got a picture with Hollywood our tour guide. We decided to leave a little early before heading to the club as we knew it was quite far from our hostel so we went to McDonalds at the train station then back to our hostel for bed.
31st- Today we slept in a bit then walked down the street to a breakfast buffet which was amazing! It had tons of different food and lots of dried fruit and fresh fruit and the best freshly squeezed orange juice! Then we decided to walk to see if we could find the sex museum, however it appeared to be a lot closer than it actually was. Therefore we decided just to look in some shops and attempted to find a Primark which took forever and we found out that it wasn’t opening until later this year! So we decided to go back to the hostel and change. We decided we wanted to go back to the amazing burger place for dinner; however it ended up being closed. So we went to a Mexican place around the corner as it took us forever to get there. We had more Berliner Weisse and I had fajitas which were amazing. After dinner we headed to Bradenburg Gate to join the masses of people in the New Years Eve Celebration!!! We got there about 7:30ish and had to walk quite far just to get in. We went through security then walked underneath the confetti and into the crowd. It wasn’t too crowded just yet so we made our way as close as we could get and still see a screen. We could see the stage if you stood on your tippy-toes. We decided to stay there though because at the time it wasn’t too crowded and we had a big screen right in front of us. So Ashley and I decided to go get drinks and by the time we got back it was packed where we were standing. We listened to the music from the DJ’s and the occasional live performances and danced and had a good time…except for the creepy man behind Ashley and Vicky..who eventually left because we kept saying he was creepy for taking pictures with us. We met an Australian family in front of us who were talking with us and Vicky and Heavens wore their masks they bought. We were having a good time just hanging out, trying to stay warm and then finally it was midnight. We counted down in German which was awesome and then there were lots of fireworks in the park with a lightshow on the stage by the Gate. It was very cool, with lots of music and singers! We stayed for about an hour and then decided to carefully walk home as most people who were there were very drunk and one guy even got hit by a tram. It was a bit scary with fireworks everywhere and drunk people everywhere but we finally made it back to our hostel and we went to bed.
1st- Today we got up early to pack and get ready to check out of our hotel. We had the hotel breakfast which was okay and then afterwards we decided to go home. So we got in the car drove home, stopping at McDonalds along the way. When we got home I was very tired so we relaxed and watched friends and had pizza for dinner then watched We Are the Millers before bed.
2nd- Today, feeling refreshed from our relaxing day yesterday we decided to show Ashley and Vicky around. First we drove to Rosarium and met up with Annette and Moni. Then we drove around Meerane so the girls could see some of the sights. Then we went to Zwickau and walked around the town. We saw the frozen pond, a beer house, and a wooden nativity set. Then we went for lunch and I had an amazing cous cous chicken dish. Then we went to Kaufland to get some snacks for later and went home and watched friends, ate snacks and went to bed.
3rd- Today was Vicky and Ashley’s last day, we got up really early to drive to Dresden and had to say goodbye to Vicky. Then we parked the car and walked into the center, taking some pictures along the way. Then we went to Starbucks for coffee and breakfast before we had to head back to the bus stop to say goodbye to Ashley. Then Heavens and I drove to Chemnitz to go to Ikea and some shopping before home to skype Mama and then relaxing before bed.

Overall our time in Berlin was amazing and we loved a Rabbits reunion!!

Until next time,

Friday 10 January 2014

Christmas in Germany

December 24th-26th, 2013

24th- It is Christmas Eve so Heavens and I gave each other our special gifts. I got heart pearl earrings and I gave Heavens a Buddha bead necklace.  Christmas in Germany is celebrated on Christmas Eve the 24th of December. Therefore on this day we were invited over to our friend and my fellow teacher Moni’s house. We went to her house around 2 and met her daughter and husband. We ate some cakes, chatted, and drank coffee. Then around 5 we went to the church in our town for a Christmas service. It was all in German, and we didn’t understand very much but we did attempt at singing German songs lol. It was good. Then we went back to Moni’s house for dinner. Before dinner Moni had a surprise for us. Gifts! We each got a chocolate mint santa and I got a stuffed animal giraffe while Heavens got a stuffed animal sloth! SO CUTE!! Then we had a very German dinner of Sausage, potatoes, and sauerkraut. It was actually really nice and there was a nice sweet mustard as well. Plus of course we drank a lot! We sang some songs and sent Annette some funny messages. It was a great time getting to know Moni’s husband and daughter and spending time with Moni. It was getting a little late so we decided to head out and go to Manu’s house to say hi. Her and Phillip gave us a drink and we got to see Manu’s snake, then we watched some tv. Manu and Phillip gave us a nice fondu gift set and then we headed home, with some help from Heavens guiding me lol.
25th- Christmas!!!!!!! Today was a very relaxing day for Heavens and I. We got up and had apple mini cheddar tarts for breakfast then opened our presents. I got some new shirts and Heavens got a new jacket. (We already knew what we were getting each other but it was still nice). Then we skyped mom and opened our presents from them. Then we watched Elf and How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the old version). Then we had a nice chicken roast for dinner and relaxed for the night. It was a great relaxing first Christmas being married.
26th- Today we were invited over to our friend and boss Annette’s house. We got there and went over to Mama Elke’s house where Annette’s grandmother was as well. We exchanged some gifts and then had some coffee and cake, as well as ice cream cake. It was lovely. Then we went back to Annette’s house and exchanged gifts with her. Mama Elke gave us a lovely basket filled with chocolates and nuts and Annette gave us some Gluwein (mulled wine) some stolen cake, a scarf each, and some bubble bath. Then we had some dinner. A very German dinner again. This time lots of bread and meats and cheese. And we had some drinks. Then we said goodbye to Grandma and hung out with Annette and Mama Elke. We then played some wii bowling and Manu and Phillip showed up!! YAY! We played wii with them and drank some before they left. Then we talked with Annette before going to sleep.
Overall Christmas in Germany was very fun and we enjoyed spending time with our friends here. Although we are excited that next year we will be in America for Christmas.

Until next time,
