Sunday 15 September 2013

Goodbye England

July 1-10, 2013

This week Heavens and I ventured up to London to visit with and say goodbye to her family before heading to America to get married! We stopped off at Tammy’s house to drop off our things and then made our way to Ipswich to see Laura, Louis, baby Charlie and of course Boo! We spent a few days playing with baby Charlie, taking him and Boo for walks, playing in the ball pit, and our favourite- seeing him in his superman cap!!!! How cute! We gave him a bath and got woken up super early to watch Postman Pat! It was lovely! Then we went back to Tammy’s house to see her, Todd, and Olive. We spent time playing outside with Olive, reading her books, and watching Octonauts! Then she helped us decorate the house for our American Themed Pre-Wedding Party! On Saturday the whole family met up at a pub in Chelmsford called the Black Bull, with some amazing staff, we set up and decorated our closed off room. Lots of family and friends turned up and we had a wonderful time, chatting, eating, drinking, and of course hearing some wonderful…and also embarrassing speeches!! It was so lovely! Next we ventured into London to meet up with a few friends. We met Clare for our traditional Japanese lunch and then met Brandy and Jemma for some tennis and drinks in an awesome pub. We even witnessed Murray win Wimbledon, the first Englishman in 75 years to win it! Then we ate dinner with Brandy at Chiquitos! Next we headed to Tim’s house to spend some time with him, Larissa, and baby Amelie. We even got to take Amelie out for a day in London!!! We took a nice long walk by the London Eye, down the Thames, played in some sand, took a boat ride, got some ice cream, and headed back. We spent our last day in England at Richmond Park enjoying the sun shine, eating lunch and ice cream, and playing with Amelie. It was time to say goodbye for now, but it was an amazing week filled with laughter, love, family, and friends. A great way to say goodbye for now to England.

Until next time,
