Friday 7 June 2013


May 30, 2013

Today Heavens and I decided to go to Exmouth for the day. We got into town and walked along the beach to the water taxi. We took the little water taxi to the River Exe CafĂ© which is a floating barge in the middle of the river that is a restaurant. It is really cute with wooden tables and blankets in case you are cold. We had a window seat so we could see out onto the water and had some amazing food for lunch. We both got the fish and it was the best fish I have ever eaten. It was amazing. Then we took the water taxi back to land, along the way seeing a seal! We walked into town and saw the festival that was going on, most random festival ever. There was a cute little garden area with toys for all the little kids to play with and mums everywhere then next to it was a stage with punk rockers screaming their heads off. It was hilarious! We walked through town a bit then off to meet with some people for a surprise……J Then subway for dinner and back home to relax. It was a lovely day with my girl and we had the most amazing lunch. Exmouth was beautiful!

Until next time,



May 16, 2013

Today was Hess’s birthday so Kate, Katie and I decided to take her to GO APE! This was a very big thing for me as I’m scared of heights to begin with and I was voluntarily, even paying, to climb up very big trees and walk over bridges, bits of wood, rope and god knows what else before zip lining to the bottom! We learned how to use our harness; the instructors don’t go with you!! They show you how to use it and let you go! It was very scary and the first course I was not very happy having to lean out over the ledge to grab my clip then jumping and swinging into a rope! However, that was the only time I had to do that and as the courses went on they seemed to get a little easier…at least with my fears they did. My favourite part was the net that surrounded you and you just walked through lol. Perfect for me! We had 5 courses to complete, each one with about 4-5 different types of ways to get across, some you had to do and some were choices and then a zip line to end it. That was how you got back down on the ground. We eventually mastered the approach of swinging your legs in the air like an idiot to make sure you landed feet first, although we took a few spills along the way getting sawdust in every crevice. Overall it was a good day and at the end we got certificates to certify that we officially went APE!

Until next time,
