Monday 31 December 2012

New Adventures in Devon

September 31-November 3, 2012

Well we have settled into living in Exeter. We have met lots of new friends at our new place- Rowancroft House. I have also started my classes and met some wonderful people. We are enjoying our time here in Exeter and spending lots of time with Heavens parents as we are going to be starting work soon! I got a job at the clothing store East and Heavens got a job at the shoe store Schuh. So far in Exeter we have been out to a club and a pub, been out to a football (soccer) match, and been to an English Celiedih! It has been a blast and I'm sure we will have lots more fun with all of these amazing new friends!

Until next time,


Back in the UK

September 26th-September 30th, 2012

We have arrived back in the UK after being in America for 8 weeks. It was sad to leave, but at least once we arrived back we immediately got to see family whom we have missed while we were gone. We got to spend time with Heavens' niece Olive and got to finally meet the new addition to the family, her new nephew Charlie. It was great seeing everyone and we have now begun our new adventure of living in Exeter, Devon for the next 9 months. I will be going to the University of Exeter for a Masters in Special Education. We will be close to Heavens parents and her brother Jonathan and we will get to meet lots of new friends. It is very exciting!

Until next time,


Tuesday 25 September 2012

America the Beautiful

August 1-September 26, 2012 

August 3-5, 2012 - We went to Plattsburgh for the family reunion. We had a great time seeing everyone and Heavens hit it off! She not only came in second for the ladder golf tournament, then she was on the winning team for kickball, and she came in 2nd for 31 and won money! Look at her go! Everyone loves Heavens and we all had such a great time! We got to see everyone and Heavens got to experience the reunion as well as Michigan’s!
August 9, 2012- Today we celebrated our 1 year anniversary since we were away on the 5th for it. I took her to Taughannock Falls overlook, unfortunately because of the drought there wasn’t much water. But we still had a great time. We had a picnic and I gave her a sloth! I adopted one for her! It was a great celebration of being together 1 whole year!
August 11, 2012- Today I went to pick out my wedding dress! YAY! I found one and it didn’t take too long! The girls came with me and got their bridesmaids dresses and the boys came to get their vests and ties. Afterwards we all went to Olive Garden to have a nice Engagement meal with our friends and family!
August 12, 2012- Today we went to see Maddie and Mason race! It was lots of fun and great to see them get so into it! Maddie came in 1st and got a trophy and Mason came in 7th! Afterwards we went to Falls Tavern for breakfast.
August 13, 2012- Happy Birthday Matt! Today we spent the day at the Lake with Uncle Tony and Aunt Jack and Uncle Mike . We had a cake and enjoyed spending time at the lake. Heavens went kayaking and we caught some fish. After the lake we all went to the Pines so Matt could order his first drink. It was a great day!
August 18, 2012- Today Heavens and I went to Amanda and Matt’s wedding! It was great seeing them again and we were sat at the table with Jeff and Brittany. We got lots of ideas for our wedding and Amanda looked beautiful! It was a wonderful wedding!
August 23, 2012- Today Heavens and I had a date night at TBurg Mini Golf course. We first went through the corn maze but it started getting dark so we didn’t stay in there too long. Then we played some arcade games while we waited for it to get completely dark. Then they turned the golf course into a glow in the dark golf course. It was so cool and lots of fun. In the end Heavens won two water balloons to shoot off and we got some ice cream. It was a great date night.
August 25, 2012- Today we had a celebrations party where everyone came over and we all hung out and drank. We played beer pong and flip cup and volleyball. We also had a glow stick fight. It was lots of fun.
August 26, 2012- Today we went to the Trumansburg Fair for the Demolition Derby. It was really cool because Heavens has never seen one before. She also won 6 fish! Hahaha. It was fun.
August 28, 2012- Today Molly came over and we all went to the State Fair. We had lots of fun. We got our picture taken with seals, ate good food, saw lots of animals- including a giraffe, and watched a BMX trick show. The only bad thing was that John got stung by a bee on his lip so he didn’t feel too well all day. We met up with Katelyn and finally on our way home we stopped at Ponderosa. It was a good day.
August 30-31, 2012- Today we went to Niagara Falls. When we got there we walked in the park and had a picnic then we went to see the Falls. We went on the Maid of the Mist which was amazing and we got soaking wet! Then we walked up the sidewalk right by the falls and got wetter! We even saw a really pretty rainbow too! After we went to the hotel and swam in the pool for a bit then got ready to head to the casino. We first had the buffet dinner then began gambling. Heavens and I each got 10$ free so we just used that on the 1cent machines. In the end I won about 9$. It was dark out so we went to the Falls to see them all lit up in different colors. It was really beautiful. The whole Falls were breath taking! The next day we got some souvenirs and headed home.
September 1, 2012- Today we went to Syracuse to a Sky Chiefs baseball game. We got lots of free stuff for the game- like clappers and glow sticks. Heavens got her hat and ticket signed by the baseball players. We cheered on the team and even though they lost we had fun. We had a sign and were shown on the big screen twice! Heavens got a shirt and some dippin dots ice cream and after the game there were amazing fireworks. It was a great day!
September 3, 2012- Today we went with Matt to Darien Lake. We got some lunch once we got there then started on the big rides. We started with the Superman roller coaster and we got the picture because Heavens was so scared it was funny! We went on all the roller coasters and saw a couple shows- a magic show and bird show. It was really fun!
September 4, 2012- Today Heavens and I went to the American Idol concert. We got a few souvenirs and enjoyed all the idols singing to us for a few hours. We loved hearing all the new songs and listening to Phillip Phillips. It was amazing!
September 14-16, 2012- This weekend we went to visit Maracia. Friday night we spent it at her boyfriend’s house playing games and drinking. Then Saturday we hung out at Maracia’s house then went to the Beach to the Crazy Clam for drinks and to listen to the band. Finally on Sunday we went to the beach to walk along it. It was a nice relaxing weekend.
September 20, 2012- Today we found out Laura had her baby!!! YAY!! Charlie Noel and he is beautiful! Then Karlee came over and we ate lunch before heading out. We went to Taughannock Falls- this time it was flowing a little bit better. Then we went to Taughannock Park to look at the water and finally to Buttermilk Falls to look at the water. Heavens fell in love with Buttermilk and wants to buy the house there lol. We stopped at Moes for free queso and food before heading to the commons to walk around for a while. We came home and showed Karlee all the wedding stuff and then she left and Matt came over for dinner and a movie. It was nice spending time with Karlee again!
September 22, 2012- Today we had a mini going away party. Some people came over- Nick and Lorraine, Uncle Tony, Molly, Matt, Nicco and Mahrea and Meredith. We played some games and ate dinner together. Then we decided to go to the Mooseclub to see a band play. Rian and Chris came with us and Helen. We danced and drank and listened to the country music. Heavens had a blast. She danced with an old man and then cut in on him when he was dancing with Rian. We learned the high five hug. Heavens wore her cowboy hat and loved dancing. She had a blast with the band. By the end she was playing air guitar with the band then she sang in the microphone at the end and finally got a drumstick from the drummer and got it signed by the band. We had lots of fun! It was a great going away party!
September 24, 2012- Today at 4am we got the wake-up call that Bella had a puppy! Two hours later came another two. An hour later came another one. And an hour later came the last one. 5 puppies! 4 boys and 1 girl. They are sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We wanted to cuddle them soooo bad! Finally Bella let us and I love them!! I want one! But unfortunately we can’t take them on the plane! BOOOO! LOL. Poor Bella is so tired and the puppies have such cute whines but it will be hard to say goodbye to them!
This is our final post from America this year.

Until next time,
