Sunday 25 December 2011

Heavens Birthday Surprise

November 4-5, 2011

Well as all of you know I am now engaged! YAY! So here is the story of how it happened, since I know you are all very curious. I promise this blog will be more interesting that some. Sometimes I get a little lazy and just summarize my days but I think this blog deserves some special attention. My surprise began the day before on her actual birthday. After work I surprised her with a series of gifts. Number 1 was a word puzzle where she had to solve clues giving her the word France. Next was the Eiffel Tower cut into puzzle pieces that she had to put together. Next was a list of the people who helped give her this gift. Finally was a card from me with flowers. All she knew was that we were going to Paris, France. After a nice cooked meal by me J we went to the pub for a few drinks and glow in the dark glasses; then headed home to get some rest before leaving at 4 am. The next day we got up early and headed to St. Pancras to meet up with our tour and travel on the Eurostar. We met our tour guide- Charolette and got information on our tour. This is when Heavens found out the days events: a guided bus tour around France, a boat cruise on the Thames, Up to the first level of the Eiffel tower for a champagne lunch (then optional excursion to the second level), and finally a trip to the Louvre before heading home. We decided on the Eurostar we were going to skip the Louvre and go all the way up the Eiffel Tower. Once in France we began our guided bus tour of the city. We drove around, taking pictures, and listening to the history of the City. It was cool because even though I was seeing things I had already seen, I was learning new information about it all. Heavens loved it because it was all new to her. After the guided bus tour we made our way to the Thames River for our boat cruise. We decided to sit near our favourite couple from the trip; an older man and his wife. His wife was absolutely hilarious and was constantly complaining about one thing or another. So funny! On the boat cruise we had a tour guide that spoke many different languages- about 7 to be exact. It was really cool. We cruised along the river- you could go inside the boat (with glass all around) or stand outside the glass. There were little phones attached to all the seats that you could pick up and listen to commentary along the way. We went along the river starting by the Eiffel Tower and going all the way past Notre Dame by the Louvre; then around and back again. We even went under the magical bridge where you make a wish and kiss while going under……I wonder what I wished for?? After the cruise we went to the Eiffel Tower. We went up to the first level and looked at the history before making our way into the restaurant. We got a small table for the two of us in the back right next to the window. I ordered our meal then we got our champagne and I decided I wanted to give Heavens her gift before eating lunch.  I gave her a little speech I prepared about how much I love her and couldn’t see my life without her. Then I gave her the gift bag. Inside the bag was a jewellery box. She opened it up and there was a note that said ‘Will you marry me?’  When she looked up I had pulled out the ring box and opened it. I was shaking! I was so nervous! And of course she didn’t help because instead of answering me right away….she paused….PAUSED! She looked from the ring to the box and back again. Me still waiting! Finally I said, ‘Please?’ She finally answered with, ‘Oh yes! Sorry honey, YES!’ I was soooooooooooooooooooo happy! I was smiling from ear to ear. I put the ring on her finger and kissed her! Then we had a little toast with the champagne before eating our lunch which was really good! After our lunch and some pictures we walked to the second level to look around and potentially buy tickets all the way to the top. However, because it was so crowded they had closed the top and there was a huge line to wait to get tickets. We decided we wouldn’t have enough time and it would be difficult to meet up with the group again so we looked around on the second level and bought some souvenirs (even some champagne glasses for the WEDDING!!!) Then we met back up with the tour and went to the Louvre. We decided to not go on the guided tour but instead walk around the garden and take some pictures then get some coffee. Once the group was done we boarded the bus and began to make our way home. Along the way of course Heavens and I planned our entire wedding lol. Once back in London we immediately began calling and texting people to tell them the exciting news then we met up with Clare and her friends at a bar. We drank and talked about the trip and the wedding plans. Finally we headed home. It was a wonderfully, awesome day. Can’t wait to continue to plan our wedding!

Until next time,
