Sunday 27 November 2011

October Break

 October 22-27, 2011

*Sorry it's so late*
October break was a much needed break. School work has been frustrating and very tiring and everyone was counting down the days to a week-long vacation. So as you can imagine the Friday of our break was a very good day indeed. We counted down the hours to school being over and enjoyed every minute of the night, mostly getting ready for Saturday. Saturday morning we got up early (as in 5:30 am) to get ready to go to Stonehenge and Bath for the day. We took the train into London to Victoria Coach Station and found where our bus departed from. We waited there until 8:30 am when we met our tour guide- Myrtle and our bus driver- Roger. We boarded our bus, making sure to sit together as Myrtle directed. We hit the open road off on our way to Stonehenge. It was about two hours to Stonehenge and we got lots of history advice along the way, including the different theories of how Stonehenge got there and what it was used for. Once there we followed Myrtle around the monument listening to her describing different parts of it. It was really cool and amazing to think nobody knows why or how it got there. We took lots of pictures. After Stonehenge we got back on the bus and made our way to Bath. Bath is absolutely gorgeous and huge! We walked around a bit looking at different shops and the outsides of churches and beautiful buildings. We ate lunch in the smallest pub in Bath and saw a football match from across the park. Lastly we got some ice cream before making our way back to London. Overall it was a great day!
On Sunday we did some relaxing from the day before then at night we headed into Romford with Kiddy and Conor to meet up with Thomas Arnold people. We got some dinner and a drink at the pub (my new favourite drink- Toffee Apple Cider) then headed into Brentwood for Hadleigh’s gig. He did a really good job. It was fun seeing everyone again and we drank and danced and had fun….some of us a little too much fun! Towards the end of the night Heavens was talking with someone she works with (not someone I knew) and all of a sudden the girl leans in and kisses her neck! I couldn’t believe it! Therefore, I had to go tell her that Heavens was my girl and to back off! LOL. Everyone thought it was sooooo funny. Poor Heavens.
Monday we got ready to go to Laura and Louis’s house. We packed and skyped mom and then took the train in. Once there we went to the store to buy some things to make pizza. We each made our own pizzas- they were really good! Then we hung out and chatted and watched The Shining.
Tuesday we got up and ready and went with Laura and Louis to Felixstowe for the day. In Felixstowe there is a beach and the ocean so there are a lot of shops/arcades along the beach. We went to play mini golf at an awesome mini golf place. It was only 2 pounds but I was really cool. It was Team America versus Team British; me and Louis against Heavens and Laura. We all know who won this one; of course, Team America. Then we got some sausage and chips and sat on the beach eating and skipping rocks. Next we went to the arcade on the beach and played lots of games to win tickets so we could get prizes. It was a lot of fun and our prizes are really cool! We got a couple nerf guns and I got a ball with the sticky paddles to catch it! Once home we changed and got ready to go out for dinner. We ended up going for Japenese food at Mizu. It was really good. But poor Heavens got the biggest portion ever so unlike the rest of us who finished our meal, her food beat her. Afterwards we went to a bar and had a drink while playing pool. We kept teaming up to see who won and unfortunately Heavens won lol. She is really good at pool. We went to another bar for a drink and I was so excited there was Tequila Rose there! Yum. Then home to start the movie Waterboy before going to bed.
Wednesday- Today we went into town to do a bit of shopping before sadly saying goodbye to Laura and Louis and heading back home.
Thursday- Today was an amazing day. First we met Robin at the O2 for lunch. We ended up going to TGI Fridays. It was absolutely delicious. We had a good giggle too. Afterwards Heavens and I made our way to the London Aquarium which was amazing! We saw all kinds of cool fish and sea creatures, we got to touch a star fish, and walk under AND over the shark tank! It was really cool and we spent most of the day there. After the Aquarium we headed to Piccadilly to meet up with Rachel and Val to go see Phantom of the Opera. We were a little early so we grabbed dinner at McDonalds then headed to the show. Heavens was so cute, she was so excited to see it. It was amazing. The set was so cool and the show was really good. Heavens even had her little binoculars to look through lol. She is so cute. Then we headed home. What a great way to end our break together 

Until next time,