Sunday 16 October 2011

A month flies by:

September 2011

Well it’s been almost a month since I’ve been back in the UK after my trip home. It definitely has been an interesting month back. I think I’m going to change up my blog here for this blog, only because I don’t want to bore you by documenting every single day since I’ve been back. Therefore, this time I think I’ll just highlight the exciting events without bothering you with the meaningless dates of them. Well of course the biggest event of coming back would be re-uniting with my girlfriend. J It was wonderful, of course. I really missed her! It was so good to be back, even though I really missed everyone from home. The first weekend back we went into Romford to do some clubbing with Redgrave. It was lots of fun. The pitchers were 5 pounds each so we each got our own pitcher. We danced and drank and ran into lots of people from Butler Court. It was a good night. The next day we decided to make our own version of the song Billionaire by Bruno Mars and call it Romford Girl. It was hilarious, lol. The next big thing that happened was starting school at a new school with a new job. The first week of school I was not really impressed by my new job or the school itself. It was very chaotic, I didn’t know what I was doing, where I was going, or anything. I was hoping it was just this way because it was the first week of school and that things would get better after. That weekend Val came to visit. We ended up going into Romford Friday night to Ciao Bella for dinner then to the bowling alley to meet up with Mad Dog and Jo for some drinks and bowling. It was fun arguing with Heavens over who was going to win. I of course, beat her both times J Even by one point the first game J Then we went to the pub for some drinks. It was nice catching up with everyone. The next day we just hung out all day, relaxing. Then Sunday we went to the Thames Festival in London. It was a pretty good day. We walked around, ate lots of food, and left when it started to rain. This brings us to the second week of school. This week was better than last week, however I still got barely any time to work on Nuture Group which is supposed to be my new job title. I did get to work in Reception with Brandy for most of the week which was fun, but not what I was hired to do and a little annoying that I couldn’t get any work done for my actual job. That next weekend we went to pub club for a bit on Friday then on Saturday we went to Romford to do some shopping then to a friend’s house for a house-warming party. Finally on Sunday we went to the gym and started a new aqua aerobics class. It was really fun! We are going to start doing it every week. This last week again was frustrating as most of the work I would like to get done for my job I can’t do. I was basically a supply again for whatever classes needed me. It’s not what I want to do, but apparently what I have to do at the moment. This weekend was a great weekend. On Friday we went to pub club and have lots of fun. Saturday we went to the Portobello Market for the morning and then Heavens and I had a date night. We went to Frankie and Benny’s for dinner and then to see the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love. It was a really good night.
Overall the past couple weeks have been great on the weekends, but not so great in school. Hopefully this gets better when my nurture group actually starts.

Until next time,