Sunday 4 September 2011


August 9- 31, 2011

August 9th- Today mom and I got up early to get ready and say goodbye  to go to the airport. We said goodbye to Heavens which was hard to do but I was super excited to go home. Nobody knew I was coming home except my parents so I was excited to surprise everyone! We got a cab to the airport and because of the riots it took us a while then we had problems with our luggage so we had to re-organize it all which took so long that we ended up having to run to our gate all the way across the airport! We got there in time but didn’t get seats next to each other. I switched over to the other side of the plane, where mom was, but the woman next to me wouldn’t switch even though all she did was sleep the whole time. What a bitch! I watched Unknown, Lincoln Lawyer, and X-men Wolverine on the plane. We also got 3 meals. One was lasagne, one was pretzels, and one was a cheese sandwich. When we got to Philadelphia we had more problems. We had to go through security again and move our bags (idk what I paid them for they didn’t do anything) then we had to take a shuttle to the terminals. We had to move quickly because we didn’t know how much time we had. Guess we should have crawled…and we probably still would have been early. When we got to our terminal we realized our flight had been delayed from 7 pm to 10:35pm because of thunderstorms. Then after standing in line for an hour I was told nothing could be done to change/fix this or reimburse me. Then our flight got pushed back to 11:05pm. That ruined my entire plan of surprising Brooke at her house that night. So I called my dad and had him come get me when I finally got into town at 2 in the morning. John picked us up at the airport and brought me to Ithaca to meet my dad. I stayed with him for the night.
August 10th- Happy Birthday Brooke! Today I got up and skypes Heavens! YAY! Then showered and ate Chinese food and then sorted out my bags. Then mom picked me up and brought me to Bette’s house (Dusty’s mom) because she was having a party for Brooke. I hung out with her then when Brooke showed up I hid out in the den and when Dusty and Brooke walked in she said Randy had something to show them in the den they walked in and there I was! YAY! Well it was fun for me lol Brooke wanted to know why I was there and not in Turkey lol. I had to explain I came home to surprise everyone! Then we had dinner and cake and ice cream and I went back to Brooke and Dusty’s house to hide out for the next couple days. It was nice seeing their house for the first time and seeing all the baby stuff!!!
August 11th- Today I got up and skyped Heavens J YAY! Then Brooke and I watched Twilight and hung out while I wrote my journal/blog. Then Dusty, Brooke and I went to her sister’s house for dinner. When we got back I watched more Twilight while continuing my blog/journals.
August 12th- Today I got up early to skype Heavens! J YAY! Then I wrote more in my blog/journal. When Brooke got up I showered and got ready to go into town with her. We went to her work for a bit then to Kohls for some shopping and Wendy’s for lunch. We went back to Brooke’s house and tried to skype Heavens before we went to Bette’s house for dinner- sloppy joes! Then we had a fire and cake and ice cream. When we got back to Brooke’s house we skyped Heavens J and I waited for mom to text me.
August 13th- A little before midnight I got a text from mom and we decided I would go surprise Matt at midnight. At 11:45 Brooke took me to my house and I snuck in through the back door, went into Matt’s room, turned on his light and began to sing Happy Birthday to him. He was sooo surprised! He was like what are you doing here??? Then he hugged me forever and was soooo happy to see me! We went into the living room and talked for a bit with Mom and John then I decided to clean some of my room before bed because it was a mess! Matt kept putting stuff in my room and my parents couldn’t tell him not to because they couldn’t say I was coming back. Then I went to bed to sleep until the morning lol. I got up and skyped Heavens J then wrapped gifts and helped get ready for the party. I did some of my blog and journal. When people started to arrive I hid in my room. My cousin Toni Rae came into the house first and my brother told her that they were making a tape for me because I wasn’t there and to say something to me on camera. She said, ‘Hi, wish you were here!’ I ran up behind her, hugged her and said, ‘Guess what?? I am here!’ She couldn’t believe it and began crying! I hugged her and we talked about how I had come home to surprise everyone. Then her and Matt put me on the golf cart and sort of hid me while they drove down to the picnic area to surprise Joey, Pam, Jo Jo, Hayley, and Uncle Louie. When they pulled up to the picnic area I jumped off and yelled surprise! Then I gave some hugs and we talked about how I had come home to surprise everyone and only a few people knew- including my mom and John and they kept it a secret! When my Uncle Tony arrived I hid in my room again and Matt did the same thing with the camera. Again he said he wished I was there and I ran up and hugged him and said I was. He cried and couldn’t believe it either. Then we went and had fun at Matt’s party. We ate good food- cookout food, chatted about me being home, chatted about Heavens J, played volleyball, ate cake and sang happy birthday, watched Matt open his presents, watched Matt set off fireworks- some really good ones too, and played with sparklers before bed. Overall it was a great surprise and a great day!
August 14th- Today I got up and skyped Heavens J Then we watched Big Brother together J. We went to Frank and Debs for a birthday party and when we left they gave me a car to borrow for the next day. We went home and I super-cleaned my room, like took everything out and put it back in. I then gave the family their presents. We watched some videos of the trip and then Big Brother and then bed.
August 15th- Today I got up and skyped Heavens and watched Big Brother, skyped Heavens some more, wrote in my journal, and skyped Heavens some more J. Then I went to Brooke’s house for dinner with her and Dusty’s family. We skyped Heavens and waited for Molly to come over. I wasn’t sure if she knew I was home  so I hid in the nursery and waited for them to come upstairs. I waited, and waited, and waited. I almost went downstairs they were taking so long! But finally they came up and I said surprise and hugged her and then she said she already knew I was there lol. Oh well! Then we sat and talked a bit and then I spent the night.
August 16th- Today I got up early and went to T-Burg to stop at Heads Up. I had to drop off my pictures for my hair. Luckily Carrie wasn’t there. So I can still surprise her for my appointment. Then I went home and dropped off the car. John, Matt, and I went to Watkins Glen State Park to walk the trail. We took the shuttle up it and walked down it. It was really pretty and they had all these signs about the names of things and how it was formed. It was really cool. We took lots of pictures and played in the water a bit. Then of course as I was thinking that my camera was really old and dirty and could use another one we came to this big puddle. John climbed over it but I couldn’t do it that way so I decided to climb on the railing. I put my camera in my pocket, climbed up, and my camera fell out of my pocket into the puddle. I jumped down and got it. I managed to save the battery and memory card, but not the camera! I was like thanks universe! I even missed the best pictures of the best waterfall so Matt had to take them on his phone. After walking back down, we went to the gift shop then went for lunch. We ended up going to Pizza hut for lunch with the all you can eat buffet. Then we headed to Treman Park because our pass gave us access to any state park that day. We decided to do the short walk but ended up getting lost along the way so we walked part way down then turned around and walked back up. I would have pictures of this walk however; I didn’t have my camera so just take my word for it that it’s beautiful! Once home, Matt and I got ready and immediately went to Best Buy to buy a new camera. It was a mission to do that as well because they no longer sold my camera or any camera that took my memory card and battery. The only one that did was a chunky camera. So I had to figure out what to do, luckily I found a deal where I got a camera, extra battery, memory card, and case all for 232. Plus I could use my old memory cards. Worked for me! Then Matt and I went to pick up mom and we went home. Joey came over and we chatted for a bit then ate dinner and chatted some more. It was good to catch up with him. After he left, Matt and I went to Not My Dads to get some ice cream. I got chocolate peanut butter ice cream with a peanut butter sundae…mmmm good! Once home I skyped Heavens before bed J
August 17th- Today was errand day. I got a lot accomplished with Matt’s help. First we went to Tops so I could get coffee and he could return bottles. Then we went to the bank then autozone. Next we went to Kmart and Walmart so that I could get lots of goodies for my girlfriend! I bought her lots of nice food to try that they don’t have in England J Then we went to Michaels to visit people and then Taco Bell for lunch. We went back to the bank to drop off a gift then to the mall to waste time before Matt’s doctor’s appointment. We went to his doctor’s appointment then to visit mom quick at work. We went to visit Andy, but he wasn’t there so I just left my gift and then we went to Medusa’s to talk about our tattoos and make our appointment. Then we quickly stopped at Tops, went to get gas and then went home. I skyped Heavens J and watched Big Brother then wrote my blog/journal before bed.
August 18th- Today I got up and drove mom to work, and then went home and skyped Heavens J real quick before meeting Rian at the Falls for breakfast. It was really nice to catch up with Rian after so long. I really missed her.  After we caught up I went to the bank to see Traci to catch up with her. It was good to see her too. I went home and watched Big Brother while skyping Heavens. Then I went to my hair appointment. Sue Prize!!!! I was hoping to get purple in my hair but after 2 attempts at the purple we decided to do pink instead. I really like it though. I also got it cut. After, I picked up mom and we went to starbucks and tops before going home. Once home I skyped Heavens and I packed then went to bed.
August 19th- Today I got up early and mom brought me to the bus station to take the bus to Syracuse to meet up with Maracia. She picked me up from the bus stop and we went to the mall to shop a bit. Then we went back to her house and hung out while catching up. Later we went to dinner in town. We got lobster ravioli and a turkey sub. It was really, really good. Then we went to Maracia’s friends house to hang out for a bit before going to the movies. We went to see 30 seconds or less. It was good and funny. We went to a few bars for a drink and then we went back to Racia’s friends house for a bit before going back to her house and going to bed.
August 20th- Today we slept in and hung out all day. We painted nails and read magazines quizzing each other and talking. It was a good girls day. It was me, Racia, her mom, and her cousin Kayla. Then Maracia and I went to the store to get some alcohol to pre-game with. On the way I was talking to Racia about how I didn’t thank Baby Charlie was ever going to come and how I would be so upset if he didn’t come while I was home. When we got back we ate dinner and started drinking. Then I got a phone call from Dusty saying that him and Brooke had gone to the hospital and that they thought she would have Baby Charlie tomorrow. YAY!!!!! We drank Malibu and juice and got ready to go out. All of use girls went to the beach to go to a couple bars. We got a free sample of Malibu (we even got our picture taken with the girl giving away the free samples), I got a sex on the beach (considering I was on the beach) and a mojito. We looked at a few bars but ended up at the Clam which had a good band. We danced and sang and drank. We ended up meeting this guy Mike and his friends who said they just bought a boat! But they wouldn’t take us on the boat the next day because they needed to relax as they worked so hard! Not really sure about that, but Racia liked Mike so we hung out with him a bit. Racia also had a drink bought for her because she met a guy in the parking lot (an older guy by the way) and she was talking with him then met him again in the bar. We got home about 1:30 and decided to play the dancing game on the tv. Her mom had mentioned it earlier and said that she had Cotton Eye Joe. I said it was my favorite song so she said we could play it. We ended up dancing for a bit before going to bed. It was fun, but hard! Overall, it was a good night!
August 21st-  This morning I got a text from Brooke saying that they had tried to induce her but she wasn’t going very fast (had only advanced one centimeter overnight). They told her he wasn’t going to be born until late at night so I was thinking I’d be home before he even got there. But I was super excited that he was going to come while I was home. We got ready and went into Oneida to visit with Dan’s parents for a few hours. It was nice to see them and catch up. While I was there I got a phone call from Dusty saying Baby Charlie was here!!! He had come early! I was sooooo excited. Then I got a picture and he is absolutely beautiful! I couldn’t wait to actually see him! After visiting with Dan’s parents we went to Syracuse to meet up with Shelley for lunch. We went to Johnny Rockets in the mall and it was delicious. I had a chicken club sandwich and a chocolate peanut butter shake. It was great! Maracia dropped me off at the bus station and I took the bus home. Once home I quickly skyped Heavens before dinner. Then we had a cook out dinner and I skyped Heavens again before bed.
August 22nd- Today I got up and skyped Heavens J Then I got ready and Matt and I went to the hospital to see Baby Charlie! I was sooo excited I was practically running through the hospital trying to find him. I got to hold him for about an hour. Oh My God he is absolutely beautiful! He is so good too. He barely cries or fusses. He is wonderful. Matt and I went home because he wasn’t feeling well and had lunch and watched Just Go With It. Then I skyped Heavens J. Molly came over and we went back to the hospital to see Baby Charlie again. After visiting with them for a bit Molly and I went to panera for dinner. I missed panera and I missed Molly so it was a good night. Then I went home and went to bed. Overall this was a wonderful day. I am so in love with my new baby nephew, I am happy Brooke and Dusty are parents, and I got to spend the evening with Molly J
August 23rd- Today I got up and skyped Heavens J Then had lunch and watched Insidious with Matt.  Then I got ready, uploaded pictures and Matt and I went to Ithaca to meet up with Dad and his ‘family’ at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries for dinner. We ate and talked and then went to K-Mart and Wal-Mart with them. Then Matt and I came home and I skyped Heavens then loaded Matt’s car for college. I had some ice cream, wrote my blog and went to bed.
August 24th- Today I got up early and took mom to work and got starbucks with Matt then we got gas and headed to TC3. I was helping Matt move into college. We got there and get him situated and moved almost everything in. After getting him all set I went back into Ithaca and went to the bank and tops before meeting mom at her work to go to lunch. We walked around the commons and I realized how much mom can’t hear. I told her to look at this girls eyebrows about 5 times and when we walked by she looked at her elbows lol. Nice one mom. I went home and skyped Heavens J and played my piano (I even played for Heavens and her sister) and then I was dared by her sister to jump in the freezing cold pool so I did! And it was cold! Then I laid on the trampoline a bit to warm up. Then I wrote in my journal for a bit until Mom got home. I watched a movie and ended up going to Glenwood Pines to pick up dinner. I ran into Mr. Perkins and Mrs. King which was cool. I came home to eat the skyped Heavens and watched Big Brother before bed.
August 25th- Today I slept in then watched tv while working on my journals. I skyped Heavens then went to Brooke’s house for dinner. I got to hold the baby! I skyped Heavens so she could see him then I fed baby Charlie. YAY! I was so excited and I held him as much as I could. We watched the move Just Go With It and ate dip then I got to hold baby Charlie again before going home.
August 26th- Today I got up early and skyped Heavens then drove Mom to work then came back and watched Big Brother. Then I went back to sleep for a little while. I got up and went to T-Burg to get my hair touched up. We ended up putting more red in it so that it fades to a pink. After my hair I went into Ithaca to meet up with mom and we went to the bank and then lunch. We went to a taco bar and it was really good. Then we met up with Matt and Jeremy and headed to Medusa’s tattoo shop. We met Toni Rae there. When we got there the woman who was doing our tattoos was running late. We thought she was only going to be a half hour at the most but it turned into an hour late. Then we finally got to get started. Toni Rae went first, then me, then mom. Our twenty minute tattoos lasted a few hours. Matt didn’t get his started until about 6 o’clock. Mom and I went to get some pizza to eat while we waited for Matt to get his. Finally at 8:30 we left the tattoo shop. We were there from 3:00 to 8:30. 5 ½ hours to get 4 tattoos: three small ones and one medium one. It was a little bit ridiculous. When I got home I skyped Heavens until bed. Molly was supposed to come over but because I got back so late we decided to hang out tomorrow instead. I do like our tattoos though. My cousin, mom, and I all got a Chinese symbol and when you put all three together it means Survivor. We each got something different though. Not only are our symbols different (we picked the ones that looked the most like our first initials) but my cousin got hers in color (purple and turquoise) my mom got hers with a word (hope above it) and I got mine alone in black. Then my brother got the outline of an angel on his forearm. He will get it filled in later. Overall the tattoos are great it just took us forever to get them!
August 27th- Today I slept in then skyped Heavens. Then I went grocery shopping with mom then to get Molly so we could hang out. She came over and we helped mom out and skyped Heavens. Then we ate dinner, watched the news, chatted, and watched the movie Head Over Heels. I took Molly home. Now this is where the best part of the night comes from. On our way we got to a stop sign and we saw something in the road. It looked like a turtle but we couldn’t be sure. So I told Molly to get out of the car and check to see what it was. But she didn’t want to do it alone. So I got out with her and we started walking towards the so called turtle. I said, ‘It’s a bottle get back in the car!’ Because I saw that it was a crushed bottle not a turtle lol. HAHA. After I took her home I went home and got on facebook before bed.
August 28th- Today I skyped Heavens and cleaned and got stuff ready then played a dice game with Mom, John, and Matt. We had dinner- venison meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans. Then I skyped Heavens and watched Big Brother before bed.
August 29th- Today I checked my flights to make sure they were ok. So far so good! Then I spent the day packing all my stuff. I skyped Heavens, watched a movie, and ate lunch. I showered and wrote in my journals then Molly came over and we played skip bo and looked up some plays. Then Brooke, Dusty, and Charlie came over and I got to hold Charlie for a while. I said goodbye to Brusty- it was hard. I cried. Molly left but I will see her tomorrow. Then I skyped Heavens and watched tv before bed.
August 30th- Today I got up early and helped mom wrap Christmas presents so I could bring them back with me. Then Toni Rae and the kids came over and Pam and Hayley and Jo Jo so I could say goodbye to them L I skyped Heavens, finished packing, said goodbye and Mom, John, and I went to TC3 so I could say goodbye to Matt. Then we headed to the airport where of course I had problems with my bags because US Airways doesn’t follow what they say online so I ended up having to have an extra carry on bag that I didn’t want to carry through the Philadelphia airport but whatever. I said goodbye to Mom and John L then got on my plane and headed to Philly. Once there, luckily it wasn’t too difficult to find my gate so I got there with plenty of time. Once on the plane I ended up switching seats with a little girl travelling alone but it worked out for me because I got a window seat. I tried to sleep on the plane but I was too excited to sleep so I watched Beastly and some wedding movie.
August 31st- Today I arrived at Heathrow airport and was re-united with my love!!!!!! I was sad to leave the US but very happy to be back with my girlfriend.

Until next time,